kingdom Partners Resource



Apostle Winston Daniels is one of the many few the Lord, in his divine program crossed my path, and I am very grateful for this divine connection. He is a man of great insight and wisdom, who has embraced the path of living through the uncompromised principles and value standard of God’s word.

I have carefully watched and studied his spiritual labor, consistency, transition in the ministry of God’s word. His insight and understanding of the transitional development and restoration of the fallen nature are outstanding.

Very few I have met carry this divine insight into the complex configuration of man’s behavioral pattern. If you’re truly serious in your redemptive work with the Lord, I then strongly recommend his writings, post, and articles.

From time to time, I will be sharing his articles and posts on my facebook timeline. If you, however, wish to be further enriched with his articles, please feel free to check the portalsgate website page menu for more of his life-transforming materials on the page titled KINGDOM PARTNER RESOURCE.

By the way, he never requested this gesture from me; this is my contribution to a grace and a gift whom God is silently using profoundly to enrich the Body of Christ and advance the kingdom of God in this season.

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Any situation that we do not conquer or resolved positively will become a circumstance.

Circumstance is a word that consists of two words. Let’s look at it > Circle + Stance = CIRCUMSTANCE. See in your minds eye a big circle and YOU standing in the circle.

Whatever is in your MIND and in your HEART flows into that circle and creates your CIRCUMSTANCES. You are a circumstance producer.

Any circumstance that we do not conquer or turn positively around will become an ISSUE…

Issues that we do not process well or turn positively around will get into your tissues. Your tissues becomes a storage place of issues. I can smell people with issues in their tissues from a far distance.

Your issues in your tissues, becomes an unconscious state. Whatever becomes unconscious will begin to control you unconsciously.

Unconsciousness becomes darkness and will make you stumble. It is written: He who walks in darkness will stumble.

Unconsciousness means you don’t know that you don’t know. Unconsciousness is the root cause of all suffering.

The only way out of unconsciousness is shock therapy. Something horrible or terrible will shake YOU back into consciousness. As it is written: Anything that is not kingdom will be shaken and only that which is kingdom will remain – Hebrew 12:27. Let us be thankful that we have received a kingdom that CANNOT be shaken.

This means you now know that you don’t know. This awareness drives you to want to know more. As the saying goes: We do better when we know better. Knowledge becomes power unto us.

The more you know the more you grow. However, suffering is therefore, necessary, but eventually becomes un-necessary.

In other words YOU no longer need pain and suffering to learn life’s lessons; or to want to change and grow by force. YOU are now ready to use your power to choose more wisely!


Most of us get our definition of success from the world. The question is how does God define success?

If success is being well educated; having a fat bank account; driving a nice car; having a big house in a nice neighborhood; getting a lucrative income and having powerful social connections, etc.

And YOU do not have all these things. What does it makes YOU to be. A success or failure?

We unconsciously labeled ourselves as failures, if that’s how you define success. Hey man we are under the control of what’s in your subconscious mind, since the power of the mind resides in the subconscious mind. Power makes things happened.

Many of us FAIL on autopilot based on how we see and define success. To succeed YOU have to redefine success based on Gods terms.

Jesus clearly said, a mans life does not consists of the abundance of things he possesses. Possessions does not define a person. That’s how the EGO defines people and causes people to feel superior or inferior.

Success is energy, therefore nothing succeeds like success. Success begets success.

In a true sense success is a lesser form of glory. However, worldly success is vain glory that fades away. Its here today and it gone tomorow.



∆ You have the image and likeness of God. You will always be above when YOU really knows this very well in your knower. You not carrying any bad label that people try to put on YOU. You know with certainty who you are…

∆ YOU are the righteous news of God in Christ Jesus – 2Cor 5: 21. You are fully convinced and persuaded about this and therefore you daily enjoy the fruits of righteousness, which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Money can’t buy peace and joy. There are people with lots of money that are very unhappy, not having peace and joy…

∆ YOU are a glory carrier. Christ in YOU is your sure hope of glory. Isaiah said, the glory of God will be seen on YOU. The crushing and pain you experience is God working in you to build capacity in YOU to manifest His glory.

∆ Christ in YOU is far greater than anything you would encounter in life. And YOU know this very well.

∆ You have an establish prayer life and a worship and praise lifestyle. This keep the Hand of God on YOU and against anything that’s against YOU.

∆ You are the head and not the tail. You are always above and never beneath. This is what YOU truly believe, therefore it will be so.

∆ YOU are fully convinced and persuaded that ALL your needs, wants and desires are being met, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You are not need conscious, but provision conscious, therefore you lack nothing.

∆ YOU are more than a conqueror in Christ. YOU are certain about the outcome of the battles you encounter, even before it started. This confidence ensures victory. I know about battles I fought and it felt like I was losing, but at the end I looked back and see that I was actually winning.

∆ YOU know the will of God for your life and you are doing His will daily by grace through faith.

∆ You know your life purpose, your calling and life assignment and you are fulfilling it daily.

∆ YOU know how to live by grace through faith.

∆ YOU know how to enter the rest of God and the finish works of Christ.

∆ You daily bring yourself under the Leadership, Guidance and Direction of the Holy Spirit. You no longer have an agenda of your own – you follow the Agenda of the Father.

∆ You live to bring God glory on earth and in the world and it excites YOU!

∆ You daily abide in hop’s by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is to say, you have a pleasant expectation that your very best days lies ahead of YOU.

This is success by Gods definition. Anyone can attain this because anyone can learn how to live by grace through faith and how to receive from God.

FAITH is merely a receiving MODE. You walk by faith and not by sight. This article can be used for a growth and personal development guide.


I got a sense this morning to share a testimony of how mercy helped me once again. As I said, we obtain mercy and find grace by the Throne Room of Grace.

Through consistency this heavenly place can become so real to us. I personally cannot imagine not going there for one day.

I had two broken teeth. I mean so flat to my gums to the extend that I could not see how the dentist would get a grip onto these teeth.

Hey I just don’t like pulling teeth. I asked God to please give me mercy regarding this matter. I’m still amazed.

It went so very well, easy and quickly. Moreover, my gums healed over night. The holes in my gums were all gone the next day. And I could eat normally as if I had never pulled my teeth.

It felt so unreal. Mercy performed a wonder that cannot be fathomed. My confidence in the mercies of God has gone to another level.

This implies that I will get much more quicker results from now on, because of my new level of confidence.



BY looking back i can now conclude that there are a long season of praying without getting manifestations of answered prayers.

Yet, you must continue to belief that you have received. It is written: Belief you have received when YOU pray.

Then comes a wonderful season whereby YOU begin to see how God begin to manifest your unanswered prayers. This sounds like a contradiction.

However, answered prayers produces JOY. Joy produces strength. Strength propels you to new levels or dimensions, because this strength is Gods strength.

Keep keeping on trusting God, if your season of answered prayers have not yet come. Trust brings help into our situation.




#It is written: … rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh – Phil 3:3#

Hey I got this download very late today. The last few words of Jesus on the cross has powerful significance in our day to day life. He said, it is FINISH…

This implies that everything YOU would ever need, want and desire has been paid for by the shed blood of Christ. However, this provision is in the unseen world and within your Spirit.

Philemon 1: 6 your faith to access your needs, wants and desires will only work when your acknowledge the good that is within YOU in Christ. The blessing is in YOU. That BLESSING makes provision for everything.

This is why Paul says, we should rejoice in Christ Jesus and not having confidence in our FLESH.

Confidence in our flesh is to put your trust in:

∆ your abilities
∆ your life experiences
∆ your back account
∆ your education
∆ your social connection
∆ human effort and strength
∆ your skills, etc

No work does not mean no work at all. It means your dependence is not on your ability to work hard, however, your focus is on inspirations from the holy Spirit. It means inspired works nly and not the works of the flesh.

We need to become totally dependent on the Leadership, Guidance and Directions of the Holy Spirit that is within YOU. These are the sons of God

By grace through faith and not by human effort and strength. Not by might nor by power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit
[10:14 AM, 4/12/2019] +27 74 921 7660: Go read this to bless and enrich your precious soul.

[6:52 PM, 4/13/2019] +27 74 921 7660: ARTICLE SIXTY NINE/69

BY looking back i can now conclude that there are a long season of praying without getting manifestations of answered prayers.

Yet, you must continue to belief that you have received. It is written: Belief you have received when YOU pray.

Then comes a wonderful season whereby YOU begin to see how God begin to manifest your unanswered prayers. This sounds like a contradiction.

However, answered prayers produces JOY. Joy produces strength. Strength propels you to new levels or dimensions, because this strength is Gods strength.

Keep keeping on trusting God, if your season of answered prayers have not yet come. Trust brings help into our situation.





Your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-image are very important internal properties. We must look well after them. It dictates the outcomes we get in life. Issues with SELF leads to psychological problems.

We cannot grow beyond our self-worth, self image and self esteem. If the above mentioned on a scale of 1 to 10 is 4 out of 10 – your life will never grow beyond level four. You need to nurture and cultivate your self image, self worth and self esteem to grow beyond four to breakthrough.

Moreover, we teach people how to treat us based on how we treat ourselves. How do YOU treat yourself?

God promised the Israelites a Promise Land that was filled with abundance. Their days of toil, sweat and hard labour would be forever over.

However, they saw themselves as grasshoppers in the sight of their enemies. And so they were in their sight. They could not enter their promise land, because God did not prepare this wonderful place for grasshoppers.

∆ What kind of thoughts do you think about YOU?

∆ What kind of beliefs do you have about YOU?

∆ How do you feel about YOU?

∆ What kind of emotions do you experience about YOU?

∆ What do you say about YOU?

These are the very things that shapes SELF. There remain a rest for the people of God. YOU too have a bright fabulous future. Work on a positive healthy YOU, so that you can enter in.



Is there any coincidence that God invites us to come daily to the Throne Room of Grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need? Hebrews 4:16

This is because we daily encounter needs and at times trouble. Many are the trouble of the righteous but the Lord delivers them from them all. The Lord wants to extend supernatural help to His kids.

When we get born again – we are redesigned to live supernatural lives to the extend that the supernatural becomes natural. The supernatural is not always dramatic.

I recently listened to a testimony that truly empowered me. And at the same time the Lord reminded me of an experience I had to reinforce this truth.

This man son fell into a deep depression and the father did warfare for two years for his son to be delivered and set free from depression.

The man became very frustrated, because his son remained in his depression state and the Lord said to him: My dear son come to My Throne Room and ask Me to grant your son mercy regarding his depression.

So the man entered the Throne Room of grace and plead the Lord to show His son mercy. Within one day the man’s son was completely set free from depression.

The two years of spiritual warfare was a waste of time.

Concerning spiritual warfare here is a question for reflection: You are a citizen of the country you lived in. Do you have to do warfare to protect yourself and family from foreign enemies?

No, its not necessary, because your country has an well organized army that do the fighting to protect its citizens.

Our spiritual warfare concepts says to us that this world system looks far better after their people than the kingdom of God looks after its people.

The people in the Kingdom of God have to do warfare themselves. Is this true or what?

Nonetheless, Michael is a warrior angel and he has a hosts of angels that represents heavens army that do spiritual warfare to protect and preserve Gods people, moreover, Jesus conquered the devil and all his foes and make a public spectacle of them.

The Throne Room of Grace is there for us to obtain mercy and grace in time of need. Any need…

Mercy is God withholding punishment that we deserve.

Grace is Gods unmerited, undeserved and unearned favor and blessings that we do not deserve.

As I said, the testimony reminded me of an experience I had. I went to visit my mum and I left my car lights on.

The battery was so flat that the car could hardly kick start. Nonetheless, I end up in the outskirts of Uitenhage with no help at all. I nearly start to panic. I was stuck with no obvious surrounding help and I had an appointment.

However, I clearly heard the Holy Spirit said to me. You have been by the Throne of Grace this morning.

Wow those words shook of the panic from me and I suddenly felt empowered. I then boldly decree and declare HELP is on the way.

Within a few minutes helped showed up. The guy was so helpful, friendly and very generous towards me. This was God sending me help!

He personally took out the battery and together we took the flat battery to a mechanic who charged the battery for half and hour.

I was in time for my appointment. Mercy came and turned an impossible situation positively around. I highly value and esteem Gods mercy and grace.

We need both everyday of our lives. God has victory in store for us. To hell with the devil, his defeated foes and everything he stands for


Hey man! I love and appreciate the Kingdom of God.

Do you know it is much easier to help, assist and support other people to succeed than seeking success for yourself?

In God’s Kingdom He makes things happened for people who make things happened for His people. This makes life so easy. It is for many years now that I don’t focus on becoming successful, since I have discovered that success becomes a natural outflow when you seek to help, assist and support others.

One Word from God can change a persons life. I woke up every morning with the thought of what God wants to say to His people this day. I feel so fulfilled when I say to my readers what God is saying to them. O I love the Kingdom of God!

We do not achieve or accomplish things in Gods Kingdom. Through BELIEVING we RECEIVE the things God has prepared for us.

The Kingdom of God is world of finish works. There is nothing to accomplish or achieve.

Christ through His shed blood has accomplish everything we would ever need, want and desire. There is sweet nothing to boast about, but everything to be thankful, grateful, and appreciative about.

Life in the Kingdom is about grace through faith and nothing of ourselves. Jesus DID it ALL…

We must daily learn how to live by grace through faith and how to enter into the finish works of Christ.

Live LIFE in the wonderful rest of God. Gods BEST is in His REST. When we work God rest – when we rest God works.




#It is written: The Lord of Hosts has sworn, saying I have thought, so it shall come to pass and as I have purpose so it shall stand – Isaiah 14:24#

One thing we must become certain and confident about is the fact that we are carriers of God’s Image and Likeness. You are here on earth to represent God on earth and in the world. Paul said to the Ephesians Church: Imitate God as dear children. Monkey see and monkey do.

Godliness means God manifest Himself thru the flesh of a human being. God needs your flesh to manifest Himself to the people YOU encounter daily.

For this to happened YOU got to get Word in your heart and mind and allow the Word to do a work in YOU to change and transforms us into godly people.

The Word in us must become flesh, just like Jesus became flesh. The God Man become the Son of Man. This grace and enable of us to become man and woman of God. Jesus is called Word of God, according to Revelation 19:3.

We must therefore read the above opening verse with this mindset. You can DO what God can DO on a smaller scale. You too can call things that be NOT as though they were. Yes my friend, you can call things into existence.

There is no coincidence that someone testify yesterday of the life of a person that I have discipled and mentored.

His family members have heard him call things into existence in his room. They heard him command money to come me. This guy went to go study at PE University with no money. Money came and carry him through his 4years of studies. His now second in charge of a company, getting a big salary. That’s the kind of power we carry, but do not tap into.

Every thought God thought about came to pass. We also bring about what we think about. Why not making your thought-life an important priority? Fill your mind everyday with positive empowering thoughts and with the Word of God.

Its in your power to do this, so do it. Your thoughts will come to pass. I thoroughly enjoy seeing thoughts that I have affirmed over the years coming too pass in this new season of my life.

God has purposed and so His purpose are standing strong on earth and in the world. Sin abound, but grace abound much more. God is winning big time, whilst it does not seems so with all the trouble in the world and all the corrupt politicians.

You are here for a specific purpose. Seek God to clarify your purpose for your existence. Then purpose what He purposed regarding your life. Take a hold of what God has taken ahold on YOU and press in.

Your purpose will cause you to stand strong, stable and able. Ability flows out of stability. Become a purpose driven purpose in a world where many people walk aimlessly around.

A life without purpose is a life without meaning, no satisfaction and fulfillment. My wilderness has reminded me how life feels without a sense of meaning and purpose. The wilderness is a dry place with very, very little excitement.

I lived a very purposeful life before my wilderness. However, this has fueled my desire to fulfill my purpose and to enter my God given Destiny… I hope this spark something in YOU



There is a saying in the business world that says this: Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Breakfast is the meal that provides you energy and stamina for the rest of the day. We get the same kind of input and results when we get feedback.

Feedback is the basis for continuous improvement and betterment. Excellence works much better than perfection. Excellence provides room for continuous improvement.

God is our Master – He is a God of beauty and excellence. Paul said, copy God as dear children.

My previous job at VWSA had expectation that I must every month give proof an area of improvement, so that I can become better at what I do.

There is a publishing company that critique the work of authors and you have to pay for such services. Paying to be critique is a uncommon thing! Will YOU pay?

How determined are YOU to become a better person and to improve in every area of your life? Feedback is the basis for improvement.

I highly value my walk with God the Father. I’m not just learning lessons for myself, but also to teach, equip, train, empower others and to write impacting articles. One of the purposes of leadership is to make life easier for others thru the life lessons you have learned in life.

I have observed that God also gives us feedback regarding our growth and personal development.

Bad things and hardship is not always testing times. God at times allow bad things and hardship to show us how we have grown. You then become conscious in the moment of your attitude, conduct, mannerism and your way of doing things in the situation and you can’t belief that are YOU are so different now and that you handle things so much better.

That’s the Father giving you feedback of your growth and development. Such experiences fuel your desire for more growth and development.

One of my greatest testers during my wilderness season was LOSES. Hey I lost a hell lot of things. It was just not easy for me to actually process the sense of loss I have suffered. Nonetheless, I really begin to grow in dealing with it.

A month ago I went away for a weekend. I came back and discovered that two of my laptops was stolen. They broke into my place. I had three unpublished books on them with no back up. This was really wonderful feedback for me.

I looked within myself and could not believe that there was NO sense of loss within me. And within one day I was able to let go and let God be God regarding this matter. And I got a strong sense that my Father will recompense me.

This feedback has also ministered to me that I am NOW fully convinced and persuaded that God is indeed a good God and that all things must work together for my good. This deep knowing will now cause me to see more of God’s goodness operational in my day to day life.

We must learn the art of reading our life circumstances and situations to be able to receive feedback from it. Feedback is the breakfast of champions.

We are ready to handle much when we are able to handle a sense of loss. Loses builds capacity to handle increase. This too was incredible feedback to me. I felt comforted, exhorted, encouraged and built up.



#And we know that in ALL things God makes theM work together for our GOOD… Romans 8: 28#

Is it a coincident that this verse is recorded in the 8th Chapter? The numerical meaning of ‘8’ stands for NEW beginnings.

You are in for a new beginning when God causes things to come together to work for your ultimate good. However, this promise test our faith, because it can really take a long time to see this happened.

Nonetheless, ALL of God’s PROMISES are yes and amen.

Nevertheless, we must keep keeping on and not lose hope. Hope is a pleasant expectation that the best is yet to come – I pray that you abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hope empowers us…

A cake is made up of different ingredients. Those ingredients do not taste nice when you eat them separately. However, when all the ingredient’s comes together it taste very good.

So also does individual painful, distasteful, unpleasant, difficult and hardship circumstance not taste nice. You must endure until all ingredients come together to work together for your good.

Its only God that can cause things that has worked against you to begin to work for your good. Fight the good fight of faith. Don’t let doubt, unbelief and fear greep in to mess up your faith in God.

An apprentice that learns a trade must do both theory and practicals to become certified and qualified. Hey this very same principle applies to Christianity. Its just NOT enough only to learn the theory about God.

To become real and relevant we have to gain experiential knowledge about Who God is and what He can do for us.

We have to first hand experience God’s unlimited goodness, His favor, His mercy and grace, His divine protection and preservation, His loving kindness, His power, His restoration powers, His strength and divine miraculous provision, etc

We have to make a paradigm shift regarding hard, difficult and impossible situations and circumstances. Is anything too hard, difficult and impossible with God? No thing is impossible with God. Become rooted in this belief!

We tend to expect the worse when we find ourselves in such situations. We normally get what we expect. And so the worse manifest because of our expectation. This is where we need to change.

Begin to expect God’s very best in your worst circumstances. God will anyway not do what we can do. God specializes in what is impossible. Its during these times that God wants to prove to YOU that He is real, alive and well.

Let God be God. All things are possible to those who believe that all things are possible. If you shall NOT believe surely you shall not be ESTABLISHED > Isa 7:9b
Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be ESTABLISHED > 2Chron 20:20. Believe means to make stable or firm. Unbelief and doubt makes us unstable.



#Joseph said: Men meant it for evil, but God meant it for good#

I have seen and also experienced that God allows bad, horrible and terrible things to happen to His people. A carnal and worldly mindset cannot process this about God Almighty.

They perceive God left them or abandoned them. It really feels so, but it is not so. We are called to live by faith in God and not by what we feel. Faith is eternal, however, our feelings change all the time.

God is more concerned about our character development than our temporary happiness. A stable strong character produces happiness all by itself.

God sees the opportunity of growth, development and character development in our trials, tribulation, hardship, pain and suffering. It is during these times that God does a deeper work in us.

When God is finish working in us during these times, we then becomes a magnet to attract blessings, profitable opportunities, breakthroughs and open doors, because we have been cleansed and has become more fruitful.

This is how God makes ALL things work together for our good. There is an inheritance for those who has been sanctified/to make holy/cleansed/purified by their trials and tribulation experiences – Acts 20:32. Amen!



No test no testimony… Our testimony becomes a weapon in our hands to destroy the works of the devil in other peoples lives whose going through similar life experiences. We then comfort them with the same comfort that we have received.

To become effective we got to go through painful situations, hardship and much trouble to remake us. We do not impart what we know, we impart what we have become through our many life processes. God is more interested in our character development than our happiness that comes and go.

God loves us just as we are, but He loves us far too much to leave us just as we are. There is a deeper work God does that is very painful to change and transforms us to become the people He intended us to be. A glorious people that will represent Him accurately in the earth and in the world.

As a believer I was not taught that there will come a time in my spiritual journey that God will BREAK me to REMAKE me. I was therefore caught off guard when it actually happened to me.

I was greatly blessed and highly favored by God before all of these happenings. In addition, I have travelled to six nation to minister there… I became an International minister and I had published three books at that time. I really thought that I was standing on the verge of entering my promised land, as promised in the Word of God.

Nonetheless, one morning the theme of my personal time with God was His sure faithfulness. I praised Him for His love and faithfulness over the many years. And I told Him how grateful I am that He will never leave or forsake me. God then asked me this > Will you ever leave or forsake me? These words troubled me greatly.

Not knowing that this was a warning of a terrible and horrible season I was about to enter in. God was about to BREAK me to REMAKE me. I now look back and I can clearly see the many possibilities to walk away from God during such heavy testing times. I even said to God > Now I know why so many Christians backslide. God surely brings His people to GRIEF, according to Micah 4:5. 1Peter 5:10b says, after YOU have suffered awhile, GOD will Himself RESTORE you and make you strong.

Awhile varies from 1 to 10 years, depending on the size of your calling and assignment.

I was working at VWSA as a training consultant then God called me into full time ministry. I was drawing a salary from a ministry that God commanded me to shut down. I then realized later on that this ten years ministry was a seasonal work I was called to do.

Nonetheless, I was without a monthly salary and I could not see how I would make it without a salary. Now I also understand that God could not BREAK me whilst I was working at VWSA. He had to set me aside to do a deeper work in me.

As I write this I am getting a deep kinesthetic sense that my preparation season for my new ASSIGNMENT is at hand. I’m anyway not so eager to share this testimony. I’m doing this out of sheer obedience to the Lord my God.

Nonetheless, God sent a business man into my life through an article I received through an email. He was sharing his suffering season for me to understand what God was busy doing in my life, otherwise I would have been totally destroyed without this understanding. This man was a millionaire and went bankrupt and landed up living in an old car.

Here comes my favorite saying > We live life forward, but we can only understand life backwards.

I looked back this morning over my 8 years of intense suffering or should I say the Lord enlightened the eyes of my understanding to clearly see this > In times of DISASTER they will not WITHER and in days of FAMINE they will enjoy plenty – Psalm 37: 19.

I did not withered during my suffering season, instead I was growing, I became stronger; more confident; I became more anointed; I was changed and transformed into a different person.

In addition, I should have gone through a famine without a regularly income, but God took well care of me and close to the end of my suffering season I had more MONEY than MONTH every month. My Dad has established a new empowering money pattern in my life. He brought me into a spacious place, He rescued me because He delighted in Winston Lucien Daniels.

I have suffered much to equip and empower YOU with this long testimony. As the saying goes > One must DIE for many. What YOU are going through right now is not unto dead, but to give you a testimony to save precious lives. You are a sample size of a population. So that we too can say: Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory – Psalm 115: 1



Jesus said the pathway to GREATNESS is through service. Martin Luther once said: Anyone can become great, because anyone can serve. We serve God by serving His people whom He has created in His image and likeness.

Jesus said, the least you do to my brothers you do unto me. The only way to bring about change and transformation in Society is through genuine loving services. As I have previously said, the 5fold exists to train and equip us for good works. The work of ministry is service.

YOU have strengths, education, valuable life experiences, skills, gifts, talents, abilities, great potential, etc that you must package to become a unique Service Provider in your specific sphere of influence to make a difference in this world. It is a wonderful thing to be a Change Agent! YOU are destined to become one of us… May the Lord give YOU deep insight and understanding as to how to package the above mentioned into 3 or 2 or one thing you do best and are passionate about.

There is no other way to become satisfied and fulfilled in this world, but to give your life away for the sake of bettering other people’s lives. Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. The lowest place in the kingdom of God is to be BLESSED, the highest place is to be a BLESSING.

Hear me loud and clear saints – through continual genuine services we will begin to live lives that knows no limitations, no shortage, no lack and no insufficiencies . Life rewards giving – we therefore receive through giving. If we give more, we will receive more and more…

We are the light of the world a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Our service causes our lights to shine before man, so that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father. Find your sweet spot or place of grace in this world. My place of grace is to be a writer and speaker. What is your place of grace? Let this question consumes your heart and mind.



Jesus said the pathway to GREATNESS is through service. Martin Luther once said: Anyone can become great, because anyone can serve. We serve God by serving His people whom He has created in His image and likeness.

Jesus said, the least you do to my brothers you do unto me. The only way to bring about change and transformation in Society is through genuine loving services. As I have previously said, the 5fold exists to train and equip us for good works. The work of ministry is service.

YOU have strengths, education, valuable life experiences, skills, gifts, talents, abilities, great potential, etc that you must package to become a unique Service Provider in your specific sphere of influence to make a difference in this world. It is a wonderful thing to be a Change Agent! YOU are destined to become one of us… May the Lord give YOU deep insight and understanding as to how to package the above mentioned into 3 or 2 or one thing you do best and are passionate about.

There is no other way to become satisfied and fulfilled in this world, but to give your life away for the sake of bettering other people’s lives. Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. The lowest place in the kingdom of God is to be BLESSED, the highest place is to be a BLESSING.

Hear me loud and clear saints – through continual genuine services we will begin to live lives that knows no limitations, no shortage, no lack and no insufficiencies . Life rewards giving – we therefore receive through giving. If we give more, we will receive more and more…

We are the light of the world a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Our service causes our lights to shine before man, so that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father. Find your sweet spot or place of grace in this world. My place of grace is to be a writer and speaker. What is your place of grace? Let this question consumes your heart and mind.




Grow in grace.. 2Peter 3:18

Part two/2

The grace of God is Jesus. As it is written: For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men – Titus 2: 11. The grace of Jesus is the five fold ministry gifts to the Body of Christ – Ephesians 4:11

These five gifts are GRACE gifts:

1. Apostles
2. Prophets
3. Evangelist
4. Pastors
5. Teachers

The purpose of these grace gifts are to distribute and impart grace to the saints – to train, develop, equip and empower people from all walks of life to become Service Providers to the Body of Christ and Society. It is written: Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others – 1Cor 10: 25. These articles distribute grace.

To grow in grace we must make sure that we regularly received input and impartation from each of these giftings. We grow and increase in grace as we listen to them, since faith comes from hearing Gods Word. If we receive a prophet as a prophet, we will receive the reward of a prophet. This principle applies to all these five fold ministry gifts.

You don’t have to be a …
1. Pastor to be pastoral
2. An apostle to be apostolic
3. Prophet to be prophetic
4. Evangelist to be evangelical,
5. Bible teacher to be able to teach others what you have learned from the 5fold ministry.

We become all these ministry gifts through training and development. Jesus was a good Shepherd (Pastor) – He was apostolic, prophetic, evangelist, and teacher. As Jesus is, so are we in this world – 1John 4:20. Jesus is the first born amongst many brethren – Rom 8:29.

The intent of the 5fold is to bring us all to a perfect man to the measure of the statue and fullness of Christ. Christ is being formed in us through the five-fold-ministry gifts that He Himself has appointed over the Church.

I daresay, many of us are content to only have a pastor in our lives. We need ALL 5 ministry gifts. In addition, 5 stands for grace. We are nt taught these deeper things into the intentions, plans and purposes of the Great Father. The Fathers heart cry is that every human being should be completely thoroughly equipped for every good work.

This will position YOU to be followed by goodness all the days of your life. If we send out good our good will be returned, it will increase, be multiplied and overtake us in the days to come. As the saying goes: What goes around comes around.




Part one/1

We have been saved by grace through faith and not by ourselves. We can therefore, not live any other way, but by grace through faith and not by human strength and effort. This Christian thing is not by might nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit, Who lead, guide and direct our lives.

Faith appropriate what grace has freely given us. This is called the finish-works-of-Christ or the rest of God. My wilderness years was my school where I have learned how to make a living by grace through faith and no longer by my human effort and strength. This has dramatically changed my outlook on life. I’m so glad that I was afflicted.

2Peter 3:18 admonishes us to GROW in grace. Grace is Gods riches at Christ expense and it is unmerited, unearned, undeserved and unlimited. Jesus paid the price for us to live life abundantly or the good life – John 10:10. Our only part is to become fully convinced and persuaded that all our NEEDS, WANTS and DESIRES have already been met, according to Gods riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

This sound easy said than done, because of all our unresolved issues, negative and bad life experiences. We need to be REPROGRAMMED. This reprogramming is a PROCESS that is called the RENEWING of the MIND by the Word of God. A new mind produces a new and fresh life.

The Israelites could not believe that all their needs, wants and desires will be met in their Promised Land without any human effort, because they were programmed to toil, sweat and to work very hard to make a living. The promise sounded too good to be true. This teaching has the potential to provoke the same response.

In the world you need a lot of money to live the good life. In the kingdom of God you need an anointing (power of God), the wisdom of God, mercy and a lot of grace to live the good life.

The key to the good life is to grow in grace. With the gift of righteousness and an abundance of grace we will rule and reign in life… Rom 5:17. The more grace you carry, the more easier life becomes. My dear friend grace is a powerful thing…

It is written: For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though Jesus was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich – 2Cor 8:9

To be continue…




#The thoughts of men are futile – Psalm 94:1#


There are far more failure, poverty, defeat, suffering, pain, sickness, lack, etc in this world than success, prosperity, health, victory, etc. This does not sit right with me. This thought greatly desturbs me…

God has given man such great potential, brain capacity and a powerful mind. However, most peoples mind works adversely against them.

Even though we have a powerful mind; our thoughts will remain futile, unless, we do not renew our minds with the Word of God on a daily basis. Our minds must be trained, equipped and empowered to think positively and right.

Our lives go where our mind goes. We become what we think about. And we bring about what we think about. We must set our minds on what we want and achieve in life, until it becomes your natural way of thinking. Nothing new or fresh can happen in our lives without a new thought, idea or belief…

Unfortunately, so many other things comes along and occupy our thinking and the thoughts of what we want to achieve gradually fades away, until they are no more.

If we would make time to think what we think and examine our thoughts carefully we will discover that our thoughts are going nowhere thoughts. Its futile thoughts that can’t take us anywhere or produce anything good or positive.

By continually practicing right thinking the negative emotions and feelings will continue to lose their power over us. And we will feel better and good about ourselves.





Have you ever witnessed the power of confidence in action. Confidence makes you irresistible and makes it very hard for people to say ‘no’ to you. Before my wilderness experience I used to have incredible confidence and it made life very easy for me, however, I lost it because of a heavy set back.

Hebrew 10:35 says to us > So do not throw away your CONFIDENCE it will be richly rewarded. So many bad things happened to me and I unconsciously threw away my confidence and I slowly begin to lose the rewards I was so used to.

I can first hand testify that CONFIDENCE does brings rewards. Being fully convinced and persuaded that you are Gods kid and that YOU are highly favoured and blessed by God and that you are blessed going out and blessed coming in are a mindset that produces great confidence.

Nonetheless, it is written that the righteous are bold as a lion – Prov 28:1. YOU are righteous, according to 2Cor 5:21. Confidence is your birth right and portion. The effects of RIGHTEOUSNESS is > quietness and confidence forever – Isa 32: 17

Nonetheless, God is restoring my confidence. I’m beginning to feel good about Winston and his life. What we sow does not come to life unless it dies – 1Cor 15:36.

When something dies in our lives it is a mere sign that what you had before was a mere seed; therefore when it comes alive again, it will be far greater than what it was, because the harvest is always greater than the seed we sow. That’s how life works…


∆ Mediate upon scripture verses that speaks about confidence and boldness

∆ Affirm positive empowering statements over and over again

∆ The fear of the Lord (reverential respect for God) produces confidence.

∆ Your belief in the fact that you are righteous also produces confidence.

∆ HOPE inspires confidence and assurance – 1Thes 1:3

Hope my friend is a positve expectation that the best is yet to come. Develop and nurture hope continually. Your life is not yet over. Better days lies ahead of YOU.

I pray that YOU abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus.




POWER MAKES THINGS HAPPEN – Always be mindful that THOUGHTS produces EMOTIONS and BELIEFS produces FEELINGS. Emotion and feeling are energy currencies…

Both emotions and feelings becomes the kind of ENERGY you carry around you. Energy creates the kind of atmosphere we abide in… and live under..

Be careful what you think and belief about YOU… Be careful what you think and belief about people… Be careful what you think and belief about life. What is your worldview?

These are your outlook on life, which creates your atmosphere. Your atmosphere can be likened to a magnet that attracts stuff into your personal world. The entire world is a flow of energy and Spirit.


What kind of energy do you carry around you? Is your atmosphere pleasant or unpleasant? Do people enjoy being around YOU?




FOCUS is a very powerful life skill. Successful people are people who can effectively focus on what they want to achieve or accomplish. They do not entertain those things that can sabotage their effort.

The principle of FOCUS says this > Whatever you focus on, you EMPOWER and whatever you empower will control YOU. This can be both good and bad.

If you focus on something negative, you basically empower those negative things and therefore you will be controlled by negativity and end up with negative results or fruits. Sad to say that many people dwell in such dwelling places. Help us God, in Jesus name.

The same thing can be said about focussing on something positive. You will reap positive results or fruits through the power of focus.

Satan has taught us many life skills in reverse form to infuse negative energies into our lives to achieve his intentions, goals and plans, which is to kill, steal and destroy.

He taught us to focus, meditate, contemplate, confess and to imagine negative or bad things to happen to us and to come to pass in our lives. Become aware of these menuvers and tactics.

This is one of the reasons why I teach these principles of focus, meditation, contemplation, confessions and affirmations to help people to convert these valuable life skills; which they already possess into POSITVE use to infuse positive energies into their lives; to bring about positive change, growth, development and ulmately TRANSFORMATION.

The devil is not creative, he is a copy cat, that uses Gods concepts and principles to achieve his evil intentions and plans. I’m hereby reminded of a song we use to sing. Take back what the devil has stolen from you. He taught you well. Now use what he taught you in a positive manner that can now work for YOU, which can frustrate his evil works.

Do you know about all the good and wonderful things that God has in store for YOU? Things that your eyes have not seen, nor your ears have heard nor have entered your heart. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

Philemon 1:6 says this in a nutshell > Our faith works much more better and effectively when we acknowledge and KNOW about the good things IN us, in Christ Jesus.

Hey, YOU are already blessed, stop seeking to be blessed. Acknowledge the fact that you are already blessed and that everything you NEED, WANT and DESIRE are already in YOU. This matter is about MANIFESTING unseen realities into your seen world.

The Spirit of God know what is yours for the taking. As it is written > Now we have received, NOT the spirit of the world, but the Spirit Who is from God that we might know the things that have been FREELY given to us by God – 1Corinthians 2:12.

The Spirit of God is IN you. Get to know what’s in His heart and mind about and regarding your life. Write down those things that the Spirit reveals to YOU – which you NEED, WANT and DESIRE. Focus on these things, until it feels more real than your situation or circumstance.

Meditate upon them. Affirm them and confess them as realities and watch how your outer world gradually begin to ALIGN itself to these UNSEEN realities. This is the POWER of FOCUS in ACTION!



Wisdom is the ability to use and apply knowledge. Applied knowledge change and transforms us, situations and circumstances.
Our ability to apply/execute knowledge grow and increase through meditation and contemplation…

Jesus Christ has been made unto us the power and wisdom of God. Moreover, Christ dwells in us by faith – Ephesians 3. However, this wisdom lies dormant in us, but get activated by the fear of Lord. It is written: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

The fear of the Lord is to have reverential respect and honor for God. God honors those who honors Him, our parents and the leaders He has appointed over us.

In addition, filling our hearts and minds with the Word of God on a daily basis also activates the Wisdom of God within us.
It is written…

∆ A mans wisdom gives him patience – Proverbs 19:11

∆ Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her, those who lay hold of her will be blessed – Proverbs 3:17. To be BLESSED means to be EMPOWERED to succced and to prosper.

∆ If you are wise, your wisdom will reward YOU – Proverbs 9:12

My beloved friend, I beseech you by the mercy of God to go for Wisdom with all your heart, mind and strength. Wisdom has the power to change and transform your life.

The Bible is our Source of Wisdom. Get into the Book and the Book will get into YOU… Its a wonderful thing to fall in love with God’s Word.



This generation tends not to talk about the blood of Jesus. It seemed like a weired subject. However, the blood of Jesus will never lose its power. It has saving and destroying power. It is written: For this reason the Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.

And they overcame him – talking about the devil – by the blood of Jesus. That blood still overcomes when we apply it. If the devil only knew that by killing Jesus that his works will be destroyed by Jesus shed blood, he would have never crucified the Son of glory.

Nonetheless, Jesus died, but rose again and provided us His blood to be saved and to use His blood as a powerful weapon against the works of the evil devil. I beseech you this day to put your confidence in the Blood of Jesus as a means of protection and a powerful weapon.

Do this through a simple prayer and decree. I declare and decree in Jesus name that the blood of Jesus cover my entire life, family and affairs. The blood is upon me and for me and its against all the plans and intentions of the devil.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I’m protected in Jesus name. I appreciate your shed blood Lord Jesus. Thank YOU Jesus!

[5:54 AM, 3/13/2019] +27 74 921 7660: ARTICLE FORTY EIGHT/46


Faith is the currency of the Kingdom of God, just as money is the currency of the world system. Faith will give you what money can buy.

It is written: Money answers all things, but wisdom surpasses the power of money. This is the wisdom God gives to His people. Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom – Proverbs 4:7.

He will eat curds and honey when he knows enough – Isaiah 7:15. Honey speaks of blessings and abundance which comes by knowing enough of what God promised us in His Word. All of God’s promises are yes and amen through US – 2Cor 1:20

The just / righteous shall live by faith. We are suppose to make a living by faith in Gods promises. Faith comes from hearing Gods Word. The more YOU hear what Gods says, the more faith you will have and the more you can accomplish and achieve by grace through faith by and through the power of Gods Word.

Remember my favorite saying > POWER makes things happened in ways we cannot fathom. Faith is power in action. We release our faith through speaking and thanksgiving.

Faith simply means you are fully convinced and persuaded that whatever God promised will eventually manifest in your life. It means you have confidence in God.

We become partakers of Gods divine nature by becoming partakers of Gods promises. Every promise you possess makes you become more and more like God.


∆ Promise

∆ Unlocking the principles and applying the principle imbedded in the promises of God.

∆ Problem stage – Until the time that His Word comes to pass the Word of the Lord tested him – Psalm 105: 19. Every test we pass takes us to a higher level in life.

∆ Possessing the promises of God. It is written: Thru faith and patience we will possess Gods PROMISES.

We got to make time and invest our attention, focus, effort and energy into what we choose to belief. Not one of all the Lords good promises to the house of Israel failed everyone was fulfilled – Joshu 21:45

In conclusion > Thanksgiving is FAITH in action. Exercise your faith over your past, present and future. Give God continually thanks for what He has done for you in the PAST – what He is doing now in your PRESENT and what He is about to do in your FUTURE. In this way you cover your life with FAITH. Amen!
[7:42 AM, 3/14/2019] +27 74 921 7660:



Potential is a precious gift from our Maker and what we do with our potential is our gift to our Maker. No man is without potential.

Potential is an ability that YOU have not yet use. We can therefore say:

∆ Potential is unused power

∆ Potential is unused success

∆ Potential is unused talent

∆ Potential is unused gifts

∆ Potential is unused achievement

∆ Potential is unused accomplishment

∆ Potential is a song you have not yet written

∆ Potential is a book you have not yet written

∆ Potential is a business you have not yet started, etc

The very moment you release your potential in any given situation, it seize being potential. It now becomes an ABILITY. This is how we grow our abilities and skills

Potential always says, YOU are far more than what you are right now. You are far bigger than what you are right now. The more YOU become the more you glorify your Father.

Potential is based on the demand/supply principle. It takes a CHALLENGE to place a demand on your potential. There will always be a supply where there is a DEMAND.

The KEY to release and maximize your potential is to discover your gifts and talents. I was a late harvest in discovering my gifts and talents, yet I was nurturing and developing it without knowing it.

You can be absolutely blind to your gifts and talents simply because you are so close to it and it actually feels so normal and common.

Nonetheless, you are releasing and maximising your potential every time when you exercise your gifts and talents. YOU are becoming more and more, until you begin to stand out in a crowd and everyone begin to notice YOU. This is what Abba Father longs to see.

You must find your place of grace or sweet spot in life. Then begin to invest your money, time, focus and attention into that space.

I’m in the people growing and developmental business. I thoroughly enjoy seeing people grow and become more. My gifts and talents are to inspire, motivate, encourage, exhort, train, teach, equip and empower people.

I have packaged all the above mentioned into SPEAKING and WRITING. So speaking and writing is the only two things I want to do in life. Nothing more, nothing less.

Speaking and writing positions me to release and maximize my potential and I live to bring God glory on earth and in this world.


I woke up with this thought of what Jesus said about the Kingdom of God. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like a seed. He also said, if we do not understand this, we will not understand any other kingdom parable. We will therefore not be able to enjoy kingdom life on earth.

Kingdom life on earth is the only life that provides us righteousness, peace, and joy. No wonder that no government on earth can fully satisfy a human being. No matter what party wins the government race. We will never be satisfied.

The good news is YOU can live in Higher Government within a lower earthly government. This is a wonderful thing. Don’t you think so?

Nonetheless, to live in the kingdom you need to become confident that YOU can get whatever you want by sowing Word seeds into your soul and heart and at the right time you will reap a harvest.

Do YOU believe this? If not, you will stoop down to live like a pagan. You will be anxious like them, in terms of what shall I eat, drink and wear. In our day and time: How will I buy monthly groceries?; how will I pay all my accounts? How will I pay for water and electricity? Etc

Hey man! This is a low kind of life. I truly do believe that Word seeds can make wonderful things happened in this world. We have overemphasized ‘money seeds’ above Word seed. There was Word seed before there was money seed.

The Word of God is God, according to John 1:1. Jesus is called Word of God, according to Revelation 19:3.
My friend, YOU have everything when you have Jesus.

Jesus is everything YOU need, want and desire. YOU will NOT understand the entirety of the KINGDOM OF GOD if you don’t understand and believe this primary concept of the Kingdom of God. The Word is SEED > Mark 4








Principles are the first thing or foundational thing concerning any matter. A principled life is a life that is governed by principles or precepts. David said to the Lord -Thy precepts gives life.

The abundant life that Jesus came to give us is hidden or locked up in principles. Principles are hidden in the Word of God. Let me explain this with an example.

Matthew 6:33 says, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to YOU.

The principles hidden in this verse is > the principle of setting priorities, whereby the Kingdom of God should be your primary or top priority. Secondly, the principle of organising – one has to reorganize oneself to make the kingdom the first thing in one’s life. All other priorities must become subjected to the kingdom of God.

All the things that the Gentiles seek for to make a living, will be added to those who seek first the kingdom. Kingdom minded people lives carefree lives. God takes well care of them. He meet their needs, wants and desires, according to His riches in glory by Christ.

Through meditation and contemplation we can unlock principles in Gods Word. Through application these principles will breath LIFE into our day to day life.

This is the LIFE that creates divine opportunities; open doors that no man can shut; meet the right people and make you become a blessing to people you encounter.

There are principles that governs all things that pertain to life…

∆ Principles that governs relationships

∆ Principles that govern money

∆ Principles that govern families

∆ Principles that govern conflict

∆ Principles that govern victory

∆ Principles that govern success

∆ Principles that sets you up to have dominion in life

∆ Principles that govern prosperity, wealth and riches, etc, etc

It is our responsibility to discover all these principles and apply them to our day to day lives. Watch and see how your life will be changed and radically be transformed by these life giving principles.




I had a coffee with a friend the other day and he shared his wilderness/suffering season with me. And I was filled with such gratitude that I have at last completed my suffering season.

David said to the Lord: Thou You made me see trouble, many and bitter You will restore my life again.. After God has done a deeper work in us, that work will be reflected in our outer world for everyone to see how God has beautified you through much suffering and pain. God will be glorified through your life. No pain, no gain. No pain is invain!

Again, David said this: I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the GOODNESS of the Lord in the Land of the living – Psalm 27: 13. It is easy to lose heart during a suffering season, because nothing seems to work for you – your prayers does not get answered – when days are dark friends are few – God has put His blessings and goodness on hold to do a deeper work in us.

The wilderness is the worst place in the natural, but the best place in the spirit, because its the place where God scratched deep within us to bring forth the best of YOU, that you and no one have ever seen.

David knew deep within himself, that God is a good God, irrespective of his bad circumstances and that there is a ‘Land of living’ where he will again enjoy the goodness of the Lord. Moreover, he chooses not to lose heart, but to believe that he is traveling towards that place, whilst he is being processed by God.

There is a place called an ‘in between place’. In this place, God washes and cleanse you from all the bad effects of your suffering season to get you ready for your promised land, which is the Land of living where you will daily experience the goodness of the Lord. This place is a good life.

You are out of the wilderness, but not yet in your promise land. Its a time of orientation. Work with God to get your completely ready for the good life. Become fully convinced and persuaded that the BEST is yet to come for YOU. You are going to be overtaken by His favor..



It is not a shame to have little in life, but it is not commentable to stay there for the rest of your life. It is written: Do not despise small beginning. Anything great starts out small. Become great in life.

Jesus said anyone that wants to be great must serve. Martin Luther said, anyone, can become great because anyone can serve. Nonetheless, ‘little’ is both a school and a test. God has committed Himself to make any person who is faithful with ‘little’ a ruler over much.

God asked Moses: What do you have in your hand? He said a rod Lord and the Lord said use what you got. Moses used what he got and God performed wonders that could not be fathomed and performed miracles that could not be counted with the simple rod of Moses.

Little test our ability to be creative and to use what we got. When we use what we got and don’t despise our little, we will begin to see the Hand of God moving in our lives in ways that will blow our minds.

Hey God is well able… It is written: A faithful man will abound in blessings. Blessings begin to flow when we appreciate the little we got. Appreciation activates multiplication and increase!

Faithfulness with little developed managerial skills. Faithfulness with much-developed leadership skills. A manager is responsible for a department – a leader (CEO) is responsible for all the departments in the company.

This is the little big principle. God is in the business of raising up righteous rulers to rule the earth righteously on His behalf… As it is written: With the gift of righteousness and an abundance of grace, we will rule in life through one Man Jesus Christ – Rom 5:17

You are a candidate, if you do not despise your season of ‘little’ and you are committed to learning how to make the most of what you got. And moreover, you are grateful for the little that you got. Gratitude is the best ATTITUDE. A great attitude opens doors that no one can shut.

Why should God gives anyone more, if they can’t handle the little they got. They will treat ‘much’ with the same kind of attitude they have towards their ‘little’. If YOU are not grateful with the little you got – you will also not be grateful with much.







It takes emotional strength and capacity to process bad or negative life experiences and to be able to walk away from it with a sense of peace and contentment.

Sad to say most people are unable to process such experiences and would rather harbor those bad and negative experiences, feelings and emotions. There is a price we pay for such emotional irresponsibility.

We become bitter, corrupt, troubled, aloofed and unpleasant when we don’t bring closure to what happens to us. Emotional responsibility looks forward – emotional irresponsibility looks backwards and seek to blame and accuse others for the emotional pain and trouble in our souls.

RESPONSIBILITY is personal power, which is an ability to respond well to a situation. We give our power away when we do not take responsibility to what happened to us.

Being irresponsible is just not a good place to be. We all get hurt and we too hurt others, even though it might be unconsciously. Hurt and pain is part of human life experiences. Its important to develop the skill to process what happens to us.

Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves. People moves on with their lives, whilst we get stuck in our un-forgiveness. Mandela once said this: Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting your enemies to die. God has given us the power to forgive – just forgive without thinking too much about what happened. Go 4 it!

When something bad, negative or hurtful happen to us. Say to yourself God is always good, therefore, theremust be something good in this. Pray about it and ask God to show you the good in the situation. Believe and trust that He will show you. And that all things always work together for our good.

Forgive, release and bless the person or people who did bad unto you. Do it as quick as possible before it stick on you. Continue to do it every time when the bad feelings about the situation pops up, until you feel sweet nothing.

Hey I’m now highly skilled in this. I know it works. May be it will take you less than 70×7 to get rid of those bad feelings.

Death and life is in the power of your tongue. Use your tongue to forgive, release and bless people. Your ability to forgive and to let go will grow and increase as you practice FORGIVENESS….





#…to the spirits of JUST/RIGHTEOUS men made perfect… Hebrew 12:23#

Let’s unpack this verse. We have been made just/righteous by Christ Who became unrighteous, so that we can be made just/righteous. YOU are just and your spirit has been made perfect.

God said, be perfect as I Am perfect. Not withstanding the fact that we are carriers of Gods image and likeness. How can God expect us to be perfect, if we do not have the capacity to be perfect?

The capacity to be perfect is imbedded in our spirit man. We are three domensional beings > 1. Spirit – 2. Soul – 3. Body. Its our spirit that got recreated when we accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Before that we were soul and body!

The goal of our faith is the salvation of our souls. Our souls get saved day by day by the renewing of our minds by and through the Word of God to bring our souls in perfect alignment with our spirit man.

We are designed to live life from a place of perfection (spirit). As within, so it will become without. For this to happen we must learn day by day to be led by the Spirit of God, Who gives divine instruction to our spirit man. Those who are LED by the Spirit are the sons of God – Romans 8. We are in the Will of God when we are being Led by the Spirit.

Our spirit man then gives instruction to our soul and the body becomes members of righteousness to carry out those divine instruction.

The fruit of righteousness is > peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. We will always enjoy peace and joy when we are under the Leadership, Guidance and Direction of the Holy Spirit. On the contrary, we will always experience trouble when we are under the leadership of our unrenewed souls. I know by now that I am under the control of an unrenewed part or aspect of my soul when I lack peace and joy.

We are designed to operate like a business entity. Spirit > CEO or Leader – Soul > Manager – Body > Operator. This is Gods Divine Order. However, this Divine Order has to be restored in our lives. It is written: The Lord restore my soul – Ps 23.


∆ Getting saved – being born again

∆ Deliverance

∆ Sanctification > cleansing/purification

∆ Healing

∆ Restoration

After complete restoration God said: Never again will My people be ashamed – Joel 2:25. This entire process or journey is by grace through faith and not by ourselves.

The Word of God and the Spirit will get the job done. Our part is to daily get into the Word of God to renew and refresh our souls, which is our Mind, Will and Emotions…

When we get into the Word, the Word will get into us and do work in us that will bring about growth, development, change and transformation. Through faith and patience we will possess what God promised us in His Word. Amen!

[12:17 PM, 2/26/2019] Apst Daniels:









A pattern can be likened to a mold. Whatever you throw into a mold will always produce the exact same outcome no matter what. Let’s use the making of jelly as an example.

Whatever container you use the jelly will take on the same shape as the container as it sets in. It does not matter how much you throw into it. The outcome is garuanteed.

Well this can be said about how you DO money. The way you spend or invest your money has become a pattern over the years through the power of repetition. It does not matter how much money comes into your life your money matters will always return back to your old ways. This is sad and bad… Simple because your money-life is governed by a pattern.

The only sure way for things to CHANGE – you got to break the old pattern and form a NEW pattern through consistency and repetition. To DO the same thing over and over, until you become unconsciously skilled in doing it.

Most things or should I say all things in life works this way. You form the habit and then the habit makes YOU. Sow a habit and YOU will reap a CHARACTER!

Concerning money… If you always have more MONTH than MONEY you will always have more month than money because more month than money has become a money pattern in your life over the years.

It really does not matter how much money comes into your life, your life will continue to return back to more month than money, even if you have to lose money or your money get stollen or misplaced.

You got to break your money pattern to form a new habit of having more money than month. You got to find a way to save money, study and analyzes your spending habit and stop wasting money on unnecessary things, in order for money to stay longer with YOU, so that you can have monies available throughout the month.

Once you succeed the first time. You have to DO it month after month, until YOU form a new money pattern. When that happened you will find that money will begin to seek you out. Money comes to money – money does not come to people who does not have money.

No wonder the Bible says: The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. Sounds unfair ne? Its not about unfairness – its about how things work. The only solution is: Dont be poor! Create a PATTERN that can work for you and not against YOU.
[12:17 PM, 2/26/2019] Apst Daniels: ARTICLE THIRTY EIGHT/38


A pattern can be likened to a mold. Whatever you throw into a mold will always produce the exact same outcome no matter what. Let’s use the making of jelly as an example.

Whatever container you use the jelly will take on the same shape as the container as it sets in. It does not matter how much you throw into it. The outcome is garuanteed.

Well this can be said about how you DO money. The way you spend or invest your money has become a pattern over the years through the power of repetition. It does not matter how much money comes into your life your money matters will always return back to your old ways. This is sad and bad… Simple because your money-life is governed by a pattern.

The only sure way for things to CHANGE – you got to break the old pattern and form a NEW pattern through consistency and repetition. To DO the same thing over and over, until you become unconsciously skilled in doing it.

Most things or should I say all things in life works this way. You form the habit and then the habit makes YOU. Sow a habit and YOU will reap a CHARACTER!

Concerning money… If you always have more MONTH than MONEY you will always have more month than money because more month than money has become a money pattern in your life over the years.

It really does not matter how much money comes into your life, your life will continue to return back to more month than money, even if you have to lose money or your money get stollen or misplaced.

You got to break your money pattern to form a new habit of having more money than month. You got to find a way to save money, study and analyzes your spending habit and stop wasting money on unnecessary things, in order for money to stay longer with YOU, so that you can have monies available throughout the month.

Once you succeed the first time. You have to DO it month after month until YOU form a new money pattern. When that happened you will find that money will begin to seek you out. Money comes to money – money does not come to people who do not have money.

No wonder the Bible says: The rich become richer and the poor becomes poorer. Sounds unfair ne? Its not about unfairness – its about how things work. The only solution is: Dont be poor! Create a PATTERN that can work for you and not against YOU.





#God said to Israel: I Am God, the God of your father, He said, ‘do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation. I will go down to Egypt with you – Genesis 46: 3-4#

This verse has triggered so many things in me that I decided to write an article about. Allow me to bullet point some things here.

∆ Israel was and is Gods natural people – we are Gods spiritual people.

∆ The Church is now Israel

∆ Egypt in our day and time is the world or Babelonion system

∆ Egypt did not acknowledged the God of Israel – they have lived independently from God. The world too lives independently from God. The world has their own viewpoint – see 1John 4:5

∆ God made Israel a great nation in Egpyt. God will also make His Church, which is YOU and me a great nation in this crazy world, because the New Covenant that we have with God is far better than the Old Covenant that Israel had with God. The New is always better than the Old. The latter is greater than the former. We are the Latter and Israel is the Former.

The Apostle John saw this and he said this: And the WORLD is passing away and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever – 1John 2:17

∆ God was with Israel – God is and will always be with us. Our Dad will never leave nor forsake His people in this crazy world. Jesus prayed this prayer. Father do not take them
out of this world, but protect them from the evil one. The mark of God is on your forehead. You are sealed!


∆ The world is a system that governs the earth and all human affairs independently from God.

∆ The Kingdom of God is a system that intends to govern the earth and all human affairs in total dependence on to fulfill and satisfy the Will of God.

∆ This world system is in the process of passing away or coming to naught. Their days of ruling and reigning is busy running out. And with the gift of righteousness and an abundance of grace we will rule and reign in life through One Man Jesus Christ – Romans 5:17

Not a Word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel ALL came too pass – Joshua 21:45. Pharaoh and his army was drowned in the Red Sea. God gave Israel explosive victory.

All of Gods promises is yes and amen to the glory of God through us – 2Cor 1:20. Stop listening to doom and gloom messages regarding the end of time. The end of time is the end of a man made system and the beginning of the Kingdom of God system. The best is yet to come!





Apart from uprooting the negativity in us, including our negative thoughts and beliefs, let us also appreciate the brief moments of positivity.

What we want is to have more positive moments in our day to day life. Couple those moments with gratitude, thankfulness and deep appreciation. Thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation increase and multiply what we have.

So in a moment of feeling good about yourself – give God thanks for enjoying this powerful feeling. In this way you will also maintain that moment longer.

In a moment of feeling confident and bold. Give God thanks!

In a moment of feeling hopeful and full of faith, dont take that moment for granted. Give thanks!

In a moment of having a powerful sense of direction and a knowing of where you are going – be grateful and thankful. Remember how it felt when you had no sense of direction. Learn to take nothing for granted.

When you are on a high concerning your ‘sense of worth’ – ‘self-esteem’ and self image be grateful. Remember that life has not always been like that.

This is how YOU cultivate and nurture positivity in your life. Whatever, we nurture and cultivate in our lives will grow, increase and multiply. This article is to remind YOU that we working towards a life that experience more POSITIVITY than NEGATIVITY…

The Apostle Paul once said this in 1Corinthians 15:10

∆ By the grace of God I am what
I am…

∆ Gods grace is not without effect

∆ Gods grace was with me.

I am a grace carrier. Its by His grace that I write these articles. God ha’s given me grace to fulfill this assignment. These articles will have a positive effect on YOU.

YOU will uproot your negative energies and you will begin to accumulate positive energies that will change and transform your life from the inside OUT! Amen.







Power is defined as the ability to make things happened. Beliefs are powerful, they make things happened in our lives. Jesus continually said to those who believed in Him. It shall be done unto YOU, according to your belief.

Jesus is called Word of God in Revelation 19:3. The Word provides us powerful beliefs. Things will be done unto us, according to the scripture verses that we believed in. If you are sick and you believe that by Jesus stripes you were healed, you will get healed. This applies to any other promise in the Bible. All of Gods promises are yes and amen.


∆ Positive and negative beliefs

∆ Good and bad beliefs

∆ Terrific and terrible beliefs

∆ Empowering and disempowering

∆ Accurate and inaccurate beliefs

∆ Wrong and right beliefs

The quality of our lives gets dictated by the kind of beliefs we have. Your feelings gives an indication of what you belief.

This is valuable feedback to bring correction in our BS / belief system. This is how we change and improve our lives for the good. Detect and correct your beliefs daily.

Moreover, we ought to spend quality time with the things we choose to belief. This is how you keep your life simple and powerful. Powerful people belief stuff that seems impossible with men, but which are possible with God Almighty






Part nine/9


The intensity of every negative emotion and feeling will wear off every time when you cast it upon the Lord, until it is no more. In the mean time you will regain emotional control over it as it gets lesser.

You can master any other aspect of your life, if you can master your emotions and feelings. This got to be our aim. There are emotions and feelings that I can now easily control, which has caused me much trouble in the past. I feel so grateful!

With an abundance of positive energy, positive thoughts and beliefs we will constantly feel empowered and we will become whole and complete people. Everyone we encounter will be positively impacted by our mere presence. This is the life of a change agents!



∆ Positive emotions and feelings
∆ To feel empowered
∆ To feel whole and complete
∆ To feel there is nothing missing
∆ To feel there is nothing broken
∆ To feel good about yourself
∆ To feel hopeful
∆ To feel well able and stable
∆ To feel secure
∆ To feel full of faith
∆ To have positive expectations
∆ To feel happy
∆ To feel satisfied
∆ To have a positive outlook on life
∆ To feel fulfilled
∆ To feel content
∆ To feel gracious
∆ To feel generous
∆ To feel thankful
∆ To have a sense of direction
∆ To have feelings of gratitude
∆ To feel appreciation
∆ To have a positive sense of worth
∆ To have a powerful self-esteem
∆ To feel appreciated and accepted
∆ To feel rooted and grounded in the love of God.
∆ To have a sense that the best is yet to come, etc

Is this possible? Yes indeed. The Lord gave me a foretaste of experiencing only positive emotions and feelings for a full week and then rewind me back again.

This my friend, is life in all its fullness. This is the Life Jesus came to give us. Do not settle for anything less than this! Go for abundant LIFE… Continually learn to walk and work with God…






Part eight/8

Trials, tribulation, hardship, pain, and suffering, etc are powerful effective ways to bring us to the end of our ‘egoic self’, which really force us to open up our minds and hearts to God in a greater way. Moreover, whatsoever hurts the ego build and strengthen our character

It is God Who said that we must cast all our cares and burdens upon Him in exchange for His peace and divine order in our lives. Become fully convinced and persuaded that God will deliver and set you free from your negative emotions and feelings when you cast it upon Him

It is written: He will call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him – Psalm 91: 15. God will answer YOU! Trust Him.

This is a spiritual life skill. Repetition is the mother of skill and inconsistency lies the power. I have been practicing this for many years. It now works very quickly for me. YOU got to keep keeping on until you too can get there.


∆ Anger
∆ Frustrations
∆ Resentment
∆ Regret
∆ Revengefulness
∆ Turmoil
∆ Depression
∆ Heaviness
∆ Sadness
∆ Feelings of unforgiveness
∆ Bitterness
∆ Fear, doubt and unbelief
∆ Anxieties and worries
∆ Feelings of insecurities
∆ Feelings of defeat
∆ Feelings of unsuccess
∆ Feelings of rejection
∆ Low self esteem and low self worth feelings
∆ Feelings of shame, guilt and condemnation
∆ Etc

These feelings and emotions are NOT from God. Jesus said every plant that My Father has not planted will be uprooted. These feelings and emotions grow like plants within us. Plants bear fruits. These plants influence our attitude, mannerism, behaviour, outlook on life, etc. and become fruits. This will eventually lead to negative ACTION.

Negative action produces negative results like > failure, disappointment, defeat, destruction, etc. Can see why it is so important to root out our negative feelings and emotions and negative thoughts and beliefs?

We work and walk with God when we cast these things upon Him.

Why would you want to walk around with these disempowering feelings, if you can give it to God and God in return can give you peace and calmness; It is written: Calmness can lay great errors to rest – Ecc 10:46. Go 4 peace and calmness!

We want God to be actively involved in our everyday lives. We must become more dependent upon Him. Acknowledge Him in all our ways.


∆ Become aware of your emotional mood when you wake up. Cast those emotions and feelings upon the Lord, because what you feel in the morning sets the platform for the rest of your day.

∆ Practice casting throughout the day to stay in a calm mood.

∆ Don’t entertain negativity. Seek for the companies of people that have a positive outlook on life and themselves. We become like the people we spend most of our time with. Man is like iron – they sharpened one another.

∆ Trust the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the negative thoughts and beliefs that is producing all your negative emotions and feeling.

∆ Create a list of positive empowering thoughts and beliefs and do daily meditation and affirmations to reverse the negatives in your life.

∆ Walk and work with God to uproot negative energies out of your internal system to create a new inner environment for positive empowering thoughts and beliefs.

Hey I have to do another article to finish off. This has been a very long article. To be continue… Part 9


Every TEST you face provides you an opportunity to obtain a TESTIMONY or a monie.

No test no testimony. God ensured us that He will never test us beyond our ability to handle it. The size of your test reveals how big you are and your hidden abilities.

We get to know ourselves on a deeper level whenever we get tested. Connect with that deeper part YOU! – it will enrich your character and personality.

The test you succeed will take you spiritually higher and make you spiritually richer to become a greater blessing to many others.

God’s strongest people are those who has suffered much pain and hardship. Your testimony makes you a very effective servant or minister of God.

Your testimony gives someone else something to hold on as they go and grow through what they go through. Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.

It would have been impossible for me to write daily articles to strengthen, encourage and exhort God’s people, if I did not went through all the pain and suffering that I had to face on my spiritual journey. They way UP is always the way down. The way down builds capacity to go UP.

The lowest place in the Kingdom of God is to be BLESSED – The highest place is to be a BLESSING. Getting tested brings blessings.


Part Seven/7


Let’s talk about emotional intelligence. Intelligence sees the bigger picture and how things fits together. It is the finer details of a matter that makes things to work together as one.

People who has financial intelligence knows how to make money. In fact, it is easy for them to make money. People with emotional intelligence can rise above any troubled or pressured situation or circumstance with a pure heart, mind and valuable life lessons that will propel them 4ward.

Emotions and feelings are a tinny part of our human experiences, yet it is one of the things that messes up many peoples lives and relationship, because of our inability to handle emotions and feelings skillfully. Emotional intelligence is a life skill that we must all develop.

I will bullet point elements and aspects of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, so that the eyes of our understanding can be enlightened regarding our emotions and feelings:

∆ Thoughts and beliefs are energy containers – it has the power to create.

∆ We think negative thoughts when we feel negative.

∆ Negative feelings are an indication that we have negative beliefs about something.

∆ Feelings are more intense, stronger and heavier than emotions.

∆ Emotions are energy in motion

∆ Emotions can be changed much quicker than feelings.

∆ Emotions can be changed by changing your thoughts or what you think about, however, it takes time to develop new beliefs.

∆ A person who has emotional intelligence can easily identify, define and describe what and how they feel in any given situation. This empower them to control what they feel.

∆ They have emotional strength and capacity to control themselves {self-control) and to behave themselves wisely.

∆ They know very well how to control their emotions and feelings under pressure and to utilize it wisely with the people they engage.

∆ They know and understand that conflict is part of human life, because we are all very different. We think different, belief different, view things differently, behave different, act different, etc.

These many difference can cause friction and sparks, however, emotional intelligent people also understand that these friction can also shape our lives positively by handling conflict wisely and constructively.

∆ Emotional intelligent people have taken the time to journal their emotions and feelings to identify their top ten negative feelings and emotions that they tend to experience mostly.

∆ They also seek to become enlightened to identify the THOUGHTS and BELIEFS that creates those negative disempowering feelings and emotions.

∆ They make time to develop positive empowering thoughts and beliefs to cancel out those negative dispowering thoughts and beliefs through meditation and affirmation. In this way they begin to create more positive feelings and emotions that empowers them to succeed and prosper at the things they pursue and do in life.

∆ They are aware that In this process or journey they will go through many negative emotions and feelings, because things always get worse before it gets better. They are conscious that it is not them being negative, but negative energy leaving their lives for good.

∆ They know and understand that they are human beings and has a social need. They understand the need to develop good social skills to become easy to get along with – to be approachable and easy going.

∆ They give their souls no rest to fully process any negative or bad experience they had to clear out their minds and hearts to the extent of peace. They know nothing can change as long as they think negative about the situation. They even seek council to get an alternative view of the situation. They seek to find something positive about the situation and then walk and work with the positive things about the situation.

∆ They know and understand that their MIND and HEART are their most precious assets and therefore make sure that it never becomes LIABILITIES. They try their very best to keep their hearts and minds pure, because they know out of IT springs the issues of life. To the pure all things are pure…

∆ An emotional intelligent person thinks win-win in their dealings with people. They have the emotional strength and capacity to create win-win outcomes. They do not think lose-win, win-lose or lose-lose.

I have much more to say about this. This is enough for now. Tomoro will be the last article on this critical matter. To be continue… Part 8






Part SIX/6


The foundation for part 6 is 1Peter 5:6-7. In a nutshell: Casting your cares and burdens upon the Lord is an act of humility. Negative emotions and feelings are the cares of life and are mere burdens we tend to carry around.

Carrying them around without sharing them with your Father are a form of pride and arrogance. Moreover, ignoring and not dealing with them won’t make them go away, instead they will go back where they came from and will surface again some other time.

Whatever, we surpress or oppress circumstances will express. Simple, because anything in us will find a way to get out. Because as things are within, so also will it become without. We can’t hide anything!

Furthermore, it is said, that people who are not true to themselves, becomes even more insecure. You are not true to yourself when you try to ignore your feelings and emotions…

1Peter 5:6-7 is a partnership agreement. There is an exchange that take place. You give God your cares and burdens and in an exchange God cares for you and give you His peace in exchange for your trouble. As it is written: Many are the trouble of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from them all. Can you see the exchange?

Its like going to the shop. You give the money and in exchange you get the product you want. This is exactly what we must do with our negative feelings and emotions. You ought to give it or casts it upon God whenever it surfaces in your emotional or feeling life.

You should not walk around with these emotions and feelings and allowing it to mess up your life, opportunities and other people lives. It is toxic, therefore you must detox yourself by giving it to God through prayer.

Talk to God – open up your heart and mind to Him – share your feelings and emotions with Him. He wants to take care of YOU, but He can’t care for you, if you not talking to Him. It is this simple!

All of our lives we have lived independently from God. We got saved and now we must learn to depend upon God and to put our trust in Him. The truth is: We need God 24/7. We must develop such dependence. This thing is a grace by faith thing. No more confidence in our stinking flesh. It is no longer by power nor by might, but by the Spirit of God. His powerful All knowing Spirit is within YOU.

Have you ever noticed that your emotional mood is never the same as it was when you went to bed? You feel totally different the next morning. This is what happened. You were consciously asleep, but your subconscious mind was awake. This part of your mind works 24/7. It never sleeps.

There was subconscious activities taking place whilst you were consciously asleep.

Old thoughts and beliefs got activated whilst you were asleep and you feel those emotions and feelings when you wake up the next day. This is your past haunting YOU.

The first thing YOU must do when you wake up is to casts these negative feelings and emotions upon the Lord. Otherwise you will relive your past that day. This is how we get stuck in life. That’s why we must detox ourselves daily and renew our minds daily with the Word of God and positive self talk.

In addition: Many of our dreams are merely subconscious activities whilst we were consciously asleep.

You will have a strong sense and a knowing when God speaks to you in dreams. You won’t be able to shake it off. The voice of God is powerful enough to get your attention…

Let’s talk about EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE in our next article. To be continue – part 7






Part five/5


Every parent long to see their kids grow up and develop in all areas of their lives. So also Abba Father. The Father long to see us grow bigger in the way we handle our emotions and feelings; bigger in the way we believe and in the way we act.

Potential is a gift from God and what we do with our potential becomes our gift to God. Potential says, YOU are far more than what you are right now. There are great things in YOU that wants to come out to make a difference in the world. YOU are destined to become a change agent. Yes YOU are!

Your MIND and HEART are essential in all of this. Negative thoughts and beliefs are the enemies of human potential. It causes hindrances, limitations, blockages and even our best efforts get sabotage to release and maximize our potential.

Jesus said to His disciples: Every plant that My Father has not planted will be uprooted. We must partner and co-work with the Father to uproot these negative thoughts and emotions; negative beliefs and feelings. It is written: But whoever fails to find Me harms himself – Prov 8: 36a. We can only fail to find God when we do not invite the Father into our thought and emotional life.

Any time and any place can become the Throne Room of Grace, which is the Divine Place where we can daily obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. Help is 24/7 available to us. Help from the Sanctuary and Strength from Zion. This thought always grips my heart!

Mercy is God withholding punishment that we deserve and Grace is favor and blessings that we do not deserve. This makes me think, how is people making it in this world without such parenthood. Even life with such parenthood can be hard at times. Indeed life without mercy and grace is hell on earth…

In conclusion > It is unwise to try to DO life without God. Indeed, it causes harm, according to Proverbs 8:36a. We should take advantage of the advantage we have at our disposal at any given situation.

Mercy and Grace is an advantage we have saints. We must make the most of it. Its supernatural resources. We will look at how we should work with our emotions and feelings Gods way in our next article… To be continue – part 6





Part four/4


It is written: Nothing outside a man can make him unclean by going into them rather it is what comes out of man that makes him unclean – Mark 7:15. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feelings are things that comes from WITHIN. No one can think and belief for YOU. Neither can anyone be blamed for our feelings and emotions.

Let’s face this truth and allow
it to set us free indeed:

Negative thoughts, negative beliefs, negative emotions and feelings defiles us (unforgiveness, bitterness, offences, anger, unhappiness, revenge, regret, etc).

These things makes us unclean and attract all sorts of negativity and dirt into our lives. These are the things that messes up our lives.

Lets be blatant honest about this. Negativity is a burden, its darkness, destructive, unpleasant and dirty stuff. It is just not nice to be around negative people – they are unpleasant. Can you work with this truth?

On the contrary, positive thoughts, positive beliefs, positive emotions and feelings are PURE positive energy. This energy purifies, cleanses and sanctify us.

This emotional state set us up to attract positive people and positive life experiences into our lives. It is written: We are being washed through the washing of the Water by the Word of God – Ephesians 5:26. This Principe also applies to positive empowering thoughts.

It is written: To the pure all things are pure, but those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. People who are pure always see the good in others. They do not judge, find fault, condemn or criticises others. Does this describe YOU? People who are defiled sees nothing good. They see the glass half empty.

We need to cleanse ourselves from these things by facing our negative thoughts and beliefs; negative emotions and feelings head on. We cannot erase what we do not face.

You won’t skip one day not cleansing your face and mouth. Your face and mouth do not shape your life. Your mind and heart do shape your life. So why not cleansing our minds and hearts every day of our lives?

Keeping your heart and mind clean can be hard work at times. However, they are the basics of life. To be continue… Part 5





Part three/3


As I have previously said > We belief with our hearts and we form thoughts with our conscious minds and we experience our emotions and feelings in our bodies.

Both THOUGHTS and BELIEFS are highly energetic or potent with energy. The very nature of ENERGY is to create. THOUGHTS produces EMOTION and BELIEFS produces FEELINGS. Emotion is energy-in-motion. This energy shapes our:

#Outlook on life
#And our way of doing things.

In addition, the above mentioned directly impact our:

#Sense of worth

How we see ourselves is how others will see us. Remember the words of the Israelites at the brink of their Promised Land. And we were as grasshoppers in their sight. The way they saw themselves have sabotage their chance to enter their Promised Land. How you see yourself will dictate your ability to enjoy God’s very best for you.

How we live is based on our underlying BELIEFS and our lives go in the direction of our most dominant THOUGHTS. We manage our entire lives when we manage our BELIEFS and feelings and our THOUGHTS and emotions.

God said this in Isaiah 14:24a – The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, surely, as I have THOUGHT, so it shall come to pass. Your thoughts will create your realities. So also with BELIEFS > If you BELIEVE, you shall receive – Matt 21:22a.

We simplify LIFE when we get back to basic. The basics of life is BELIEFS and THOUGHTS. Manage this well and everything else will line up, align and fall in place.

If there is spider webs in your room, it will be a waste of time to every time remove the webs only. And again after some time the webs will get back again. Solution – Find and kill the spider and there will be no more webs to clean.

The work of an Industrial Engineer is to reduce complexity in the production environment to ensure a smooth flow of production. Their task is to simplify processes. And so also with our lives.

Our FOCUS is too widely spread and it complicates our lives. Moreover, it makes us ineffective and cause frustrations. Our core business is to constantly work on our BELIEFS and THOUGHT life. To continually monitor, change, and renew our thoughts and beliefs. And to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions and negative beliefs and feelings.

To be continue… Part 4





Part two/2


For it is with the HEART that we BELIEVE – Romans 10:10a. It is with our MINDS that we THINK. It is with our BODIES that we FEEL.

Our bodies are a feedback system. It tells you what you think and believe at any given moment. We must give close attention to listen to the voice of our bodies.

When you feel anger you body tells you, you have anger and unresolved hurt and pain in YOU. Anger is the way we try to protect ourselves from getting hurt. Your body can also tell you what to eat and what not to eat. Have you connected with the voice of your body?

I remember times when my body told me not to eat something specific. I disobeyed and I vomitted it out afterwards, because it was not good for my body. One become very sensitive to the voice of the body after a long fast.

Fasting cleanses the body and the voice of the body becomes very clear when it is clean. Junk food makes the body numb and insensitive. The alarm switches off!

In the same way do our hearts talk to us through our CONSCIENCE. Conscience is a mechanism that tells us what is wrong and right. Your heart feels this voice. The conscience can become dull when we consistently disobey its voice.

We then do wrong without having a sense that it is wrong. I can clearly remember when I was a young boy and my friends taught me how to smoke. At first I felt horrible when I was in the learning stage.

That was the voice of my conscience. I overrided that voice and I began to feel nothing. Wrong began to feel right. We also experience this voice with how we administer our finances. Those who adhere to this voice eventually becomes financially able & stable.

The voice of the body gives us valuable feedback. Our conscience gives feedback to our hearts of what is right or wrong. We have the power to choose whether we will listen and obey these voices. To be continue… Part three/3


Part one/1


Managing our minds (thought life) and hearts should be considered as a basic fundamental concept since these two things influence all other areas of our lives. This is the art of living. We must learn to DO life skillfully to enjoy it fully.

It is written > Guard your heart above all things, because out it flows or spring forth the issues of life. What’s in our hearts will eventually become a situation and then our circumstances.

Our circumstances are a mirror reflection of what’s in our hearts. As within, so will it be without. It is in our power to uproot unwanted things in our hearts, which we see in our outer world. It’s our responsibility ….

Concerning our minds: It is written: As a man thinks, so is he – Prov 23:7
We, therefore, become what we think about and we bring about what we think about. We have the power to choose what to think.

We will continue with the dynamics of the mind and heart tomoro…


Part Three/3


#Indeed, we live life forward, but we can only understand life backwards. You now look back and you can clearly see that the messy stuff you went through has become your message and all your miseries have become your ministry. This makes you realized that what we go through in life pays out in the long run. This train of thought makes you bold and confident to face anything.

#You have expectations of a long series of good and exciting things happening to you in this new season. You had a series of bad things happening to you during your wilderness/suffering season. When you pick up a stick you pick up both sides. So also with life experiences. The law of polarity says, if you go one extreme you will also go to the opposite extreme.

If your life is not suppose to go into a positive extreme, we in fact says, that the devil is greater than God, since the devil has his chance to take your life into a severe negative extreme. This is big time nonsense! God will and must undo the devil. You shall see good days like never before. God esteem balance. Balance is the result of two extremes – positive and negative. You now live with this expectation…

#You have been schooled to walk in the Spirit by the dictates of the Spirit and to function when you get unctioned by the Spirit. Our ultimate goal is to be led by the Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God.

You daily bring yourself under the leadership, guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. This is life forevermore and it makes a huge difference in your day to day life. You know and understand that the Spirit is really the only One who knows the path that leads your destiny.

All these 14 points are areas of growth and development that empowers us to improve the quality of our day 2 day lives. Continuous growth and development is the only sure way to cope with life.

Trouble and challenges will never go away. The steps of a righteous person is ordered by the Lord. You daily work on your ability to become more sensitive and very alert to the Holy Spirit. You daily labor in the Word, because you know the Word is Spirit and life. It sensitizes YOU!


Part two/2


#You have dealt with your trust issues caused by rejection, disappointments, abandonment, betrayal, etc. These things has greatly affected your ability to trust God. You used to easily get stressed out, nervous, fearful, doubtful and insecure under pressure, but you can now rest in God’s dependability, faithfulness and trustworthiness.

Things have changed – you now know in your knower that God will always comes through for you. No matter what… He will never ever abandon you or leave you alone!

#You are no longer devil conscious, but Christ conscious. You are confident that Christ in you are far greater than any attack launched against you. You don’t panic. You declare with boldness and confidence that NO weapon formed against you shall prosper. And you belief that it is so… The devil must back off when you say, shut your mouth and back off in Jesus name.

#You no longer have identity, self image, self esteem and self worth issues. You have been delivered, cleansed and healed from these past issues. You always feel good about yourself and all of this makes a huge difference in your day to day life and your encounters with people are always pleasant. You are easy going, likeable and easy to get along with.

Hey man, this makes me realized that we do not fully comprehend how our life processes changes us in ways we cannot imagine.

#You have successfully completed your wilderness/suffering season. It was bad, horrible and terrible, but the Lord brought you through. You now look back and said to yourself I am so glad that I was afflicted, because the Lord has really changed and transformed me through my many painful processes.

You are just not the same anymore! You now DO life much better and the quality of your relationships have also improved.

The wilderness do more for us than our party times. Never under estimate this deeper work of the Lord. You may look bad on the outside, but inwardly you are being renewed day by day…

#The Throne of Grace has become a real place to you. You go there daily. It makes no sense not pray – prayer has become a way of life to you. You go there boldly knowing that you have free access to the Father, because of the shed blood of Christ. You are accepted in the Beloved. You take your days fearlessly on, knowing that mercy and grace will help you throughout the day when you encounter needs or challenges that goes beyond your abilities or resources.

Indeed our outlook on life changes dramatically after we have been deeply and thoroughly processed by life’s many processes. To be continue…


Part One/1


#Tested faith. You came through many trials, tribulation, hardship, pain and suffering and by the grace of God YOU have kept your faith. Your faith is pure now and are no longer defiled by doubt, unbelief, fear and insecurities.

#You are now fully convinced and persuaded that God loves you unconditionally. You have been rooted and grounded in the love of God. Your faith is now working perfectly every time, because faith works by love.

#You now know by experience how to live by grace through faith. You no longer exert human effort and energy to accomplish things. You live by Gods strength and power. You put no confidence in your flesh.

#You have died successfully to the ‘egoic-self’ over the years. You have absolutely no appetite for bragging, boasting and to talk about yourself all the time. You live to esteem others higher than yourself. You enjoy giving others compliments.

#You no longer only look out for your own interest, but also in the interest of others. You enjoy helping, assisting, supporting others to achieve their interest. You have seen how God makes things happen for people who make things happened for His people. In fact, we serve God when we serve His people. Jesus said, the least you do unto them you do unto me…

#You know yourself well and you continually get profound insights about YOU and who you are in Christ Jesus. And for this reason you don’t live to COMPETE with others, but you use your life experiences, abilities, gifts and talents to COMPLETE others and it really makes you feel good about yourself, because it is always more blessed to give than to receive. You have no need of the approval of others or to impress others or try to prove yourself…

#To be continue…


#It is written: And David encouraged himself in the Lord#

Hey, I intentionally do not give scriptural reference at times, because I want you to become a student of the Word and to search out matters for yourself. That’s empowerment.

Nonetheless, encourage means to put courage into one’s soul.

In addition, courage is not the absence of fear, but inward strength and power to face your fears head on. We cannot ERASE what we are not willing to FACE…

This is one of the ways to nurture, cultivate and develop personal leadership qualities.

You see followers wait for others to comfort and encourage them. Leaders encourage themselves through positive self-talk.

What you say to yourself when the goings gets tough will determine whether you will overcome or going under.

When we speak negatively, we in fact release negative energy that will attract more negativity, negative people and destructive things into our lives.

What we say under pressure reveals whether we are in faith or in doubt. And what we say in any situation or circumstance will either produce victory or defeat…


#This too will pass.

#Gods strength is made perfect when I am weak…

#I will continue to belief that I am more than a conqueror in Christ

#Christ in me is far greater than what I’m going through…

#I know I am never ever alone – God is with me. He will never ever abandoned me.

#God is right now working out all things for my good…

#I came through much worse things in the past. God will again and again bring me through this.

#God brought me here, He will also bring me through this…

#I know my misery will become my ministry to help many people. This process is necessary for my development and growth. I say, ‘yes’ to this school Lord…

#This situation will teach me valuable life lessons that will empower many others. Lord enlighten the eyes of my understanding, so that I can caught the lessons you want to teach me.

Your voice must become louder and stronger than the voice in your head and circumstances. Hey, YOU can’t say nothing. Victory is in your mouth… You can talk yourself into trouble or talk yourself out of trouble…



What I am about to teach here is more real to me than the breath I breathe. The Lord objectively taught me this principle. Principles my friend gives life.

Many years ago, I bought an automatic Honda. All of a sudden, I begin to see Honda’s in the streets like never before. Everywhere I go I saw Honda’s popped up.

The Lord said to me do you see how you have become conscious of all the Honda’s in the streets. I said, yes Lord. He then said these Honda’s were there all the time, but you were not conscious of them.

He then said, that is the power of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Consciousness makes manifest what you are conscious about.

It is written: for it is light (consciousness) that makes everything visible – Ephesians 5:14.

Consciousness = Light. Everything hidden gets exposed by light.

What’s the lesson we can learn from this. It is our responsibility to pass on lessons we have learned to our next generation and we must stop passing on ignorance.

Everything that happens to us happens is because we are conscious of the things that happens to us.

#If we are conscious of evil, we will see evil all around us…

#If you are devil conscious, you will see the works of the devil at work in your life, even though Christ in you is greater than the devil. You got to become Christ – conscious…

#If we are conscious of lack, scarcity, not enough, just enough and insufficiencies, we will experience all these things…

#If we are conscious of our weaknesses, we will continually experience those weaknesses…

#If we are conscious of our strengths and abilities, we will manifest those strengths and abilities in every situation…

#If we are conscious of the GOODNESS of the Lord, we will experience and see His goodness all around us and the more you see His goodness the more you will begin to experience it…

#If you are conscious of the BLESSING that is within you, you will begin to see the blessing at work in your life by day and by night…

#If you are health conscious you will experience good health all the time. Gods ultimate plan for us is not healing, but good health…

#If you are provision conscious you will experience God’s provision abundantly…


#What are the things that you are mostly conscious about?

#Have you noticed how these things that you are conscious about manifest all the time in your life?


You have the power to develop a consciousness of the things you need, want and desire.

These things must become FIRM in your mind and heart through the power of AFFIR-Mations and consistency. Your life goes where your mind goes, because we bring about what we think about. And we become what we think about…

The rest is up to you my friend. I have shared with you a valuable life lesson that the Lord has taught me. Get this principle under your belt…



The world is man’s way of doing things and the kingdom of God is Gods way of doing things.

It written: Unless you become a child, you will not enter the kingdom of God. Let’s unpack this

As a child you learned the ways of the world to live in the world. You again must become a child to learn how to live in the kingdom of God.

Sad to say this concept is not widely taught, no wonder that many believers continue to live life in accordance to the worlds way of doing things. And then mixed it with what they’re learn in Church.

This is a very broad subject. I will therefore, every now and then share bits of pieces. Let’s look at some of the ways in the world that set up people to succeed in life:

#You got to have experiences
#You got to have an education
#You got to be a go-getter
#You got to be an initiator
#You got to know the right people…

Learning new things is easier than unlearning old habits. People who depends on the above things to succeed in the kingdom of God becomes trouble makers, because those tendencies disrupt things in the church world.

Study the people who causes trouble in churches and you will discover that they value those behaviors. Get this: In the world you receive things through achievements, however, in the kingdom you do not achieve things, you receive through believing.

Jesus frequently said, it shall be done unto you, according to your beliefs. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is written: Let the weak says, I am strong because of what the Lord HAS done and let the poor says, I am rich because of what the Lord HAS done. A big amen!

Jesus Christ has already accomplished and achieved everything we would ever need, want and desire.

Philemon 1:6 says to us, that our faith will work effectively when we ACKNOWLEDGE every good thing we have in Christ Jesus.

It is not about being an initiator or go-getter – neither is it by might nor by power to get things done. But by the Spirit and by grace through faith and not by ourselves.

We all got to get into the school to learn how to be led by the Spirit and how to enter into the Finish-works-of-Christ and how to live by grace through faith and NOT by ourselves. Paul said, I put no confidence in my flesh. The flesh counts for nothing.


#It is written: The one who feeds on JESUS will live because of JESUS – John 6:57b

Jesus is called Word of God, according to Revelation 19. And so also the Word of God and God is One according to

John 1.

So how do we feed on Jesus? We feed on Jesus when we:

1. Read the Word daily
2. Study the Word
3. Contemplate on the Word
4. Meditate the Word
5. Confess/Declare/Decree the Word daily…

The essence of spiritual growth is to reach a place where the Word becomes your everything. You no longer look outside for anything. Everything you would ever need, want and desire is locked up in God’s Word. Do YOU believe this?

Is the Word your final Authority and Priority? We have been trained from childhood to live independently from God. We now have to be retrained to become totally dependent on God and on God alone.

Jesus said, the Words I speak to you are Life and Spirit. We consume Life and Spirit when we feed on Jesus. You will eventually become a life-giver and a change agent in this world, because of the life of God and His Spirit that you carry within you.

The Word of God is the Wisdom and Knowledge of God. You will doubtlessly become wise and knowledgeable. It is written: A wise man has great power and a man of knowledge increases strength – Proverbs 24:5.

Moreover, wisdom and knowledge are the strength and stability of our salvation. Make it a priority to feed daily on Jesus. He is the Prince of peace. You will always have peace in any situation and circumstance


It is written: I believed; therefore, I have spoken. With that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak – 2Cor 4:13

How we live is based on our underlying beliefs. There is a “BS” in you. It’s a belief system.

Everything you choose to belief gets into your BS and things then get done unto you, according to your beliefs.

We release our beliefs and faith through speaking. Remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, saying, YOU will have whatever you SAY – Mark 11:23b. Death and life is in the power of our tongues and we will eat the fruit of our words.

As I previously said, FAITH is the currency of the Kingdom of God, just like MONEY is the currency of the world.

Money comes by working for it or it is working for you. However, faith comes by hearing the Word of God, according to Romans 10:17

In addition, faith got to be in your heart and mouth for your faith to produce results. It takes time to get the Word from your mouth to your head and from your head to your heart.

Once the Word gets into your heart, it will first cleanse your heart and then becomes establish within you. It will then work for YOU.

This is life in the Kingdom of our Father. The just shall live by faith. We are called to live by grace through faith and not by ourselves.

Not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the living God…


Let’s look into the perfect law of liberty and see what God says about trouble.

Trouble is the result of the earth been defiled and curse. Jesus said, do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Let’s renew our minds and perspective about trouble. So that we can look at trouble the way God looks at trouble.

1. Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble – Job 14:1

2. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble – Psalm 9:9

3. But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord, He is their strength in the times of trouble – Psalm 37:39

4. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble – Psalm 46:1

5. They cried into the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses – Psalm 107:6

6. The righteous is delivered from trouble – Proverbs 11:8b

Look to the Lord and casts your trouble upon Him and He will save and deliver YOU. Put your trust in Him. Amen


It is written: We are the ARROWS of the Lord

To shoot an arrow you have to pull it backwards. The further you pull it the further it can shoot.

When we get saved, we then begin to experience a lot of change, growth, blessings and the goodness of the Lord in an amazing way. All these positive experiences move and propels us forward in life.

All of these wonderful experiences are cheap growth. Cheap growth is growth that comes through impartation and merely receiving. Expensive growth comes through making sacrifices and when we begin to grow others through discipleship. We grow when we grow others. You can’t stay down when you lift others UP.

Nonetheless, there is a deeper work that God has to do in us. It’s a work that will reshape your BEING, which is the essence of who you are. Being comes before Doing, therefore the Lord will pull you backwards to do a work in you to shoot you out for you to do a work for Him (Doing).

This pulling appears to others that you are failing in life, that you are defeated and that you are a going nowhere person. God wants you to eat this humble pie to work humility in you. Humility comes before honor. Your day of honor will come the day the Lord shoot you forward, and your success will be seen by everyone to bring Him glory

There is a season of moving backwards for the sake of detachment, to finish unfinished businesses, to get rid of issues in your tissues, to fill up gaps in your life, to bring closure to things you could not previously handled well, to relearn lessons you did not caught previously.

The deeper we go within the further we will go in life. There will again come another season of forward movement, and you will attain success you could hardly imagine.


It is written: Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega – The Beginning and the End – The First and the Last – The A and the Z

We can do a lot of things halfheartedly, but I beseech you by the mercy of God not to do Jesus halfheartedly.

Go all the way – give Him your best shot. He was obedient to the point of death, even the Cross. He did it for YOU!

Jesus is both Lord and Christ – we ought to make Him our Lord and truly give Him our everything. Spirit, soul and body. He deserves it. Don’t YOU think so?

He must become your personal Alpha and Omega. Your personal Beginning and End. Your personal First and Last – Your personal A and Z.

It’s going to take time, because this is a process and a lifetime journey.

He ought to be the very First Person you talk to in the morning when you wake up and the last Person you talk to when you go to bed.

I do by letting a few scriptures verses run through my head over and over until I fall asleep. He and His Word is One.

He ought to be the First to think of or run to when you have a financial need.

Instead of thinking who can give you money or what bank can help you. Its pleased God the Father when we first think on Him and run to Him for help.

He ought to be the First to run to when trouble strike you. Instead we tend to talk about our trouble by others to find relief.

To whom do you run to? People should hear afterwards that you were in trouble, but the Lord brought you out.

The name of the Lord is strong tower – the righteous run to it and are safe.

When you make decisions. Do you consult the Lord First or do you make your decisions independently from Him?

Is He the Alpha and Beginning in your decision-making processes?

Concerning a life partner. Is He your match Maker or do you search around for a partner without trusting Him to make it happen for you? Is He Alpha in this regard?

And so, I can go on and on…

We do not have the slightest idea of how radical our lives can change from glory to glory when we put God First in everything we do.

Please allow Him to be your First and Last in everything YOU do. This is the application of the Alpha and Omega principle. The rest is up to God…



This is the CONFIDENCE we have in approaching God, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us – whatever, we ask – we know that we have what we asked of Him – 1John 5:14-15

This verse has changed the way I approach God my Father. Moreover, it has produced a confidence in me that prayer is a powerful thing. Prayer moves God, moves things in us and all around us, especially Word-based prayers.

When you have a need, want or desire first find out what the Word of God says about it. Search the scriptures because therein you will find life, life forevermore. The Word of God = The will of God.

Pray back to God what God says about a matter. Jesus mother told His disciples: Do whatever, He tells you to do and water was turned into wine.

Something good will come from what you tell God to do for you from what He said in His Word.

Praying Word reminds God what He has promised us.

All of Gods promises are yes and amen – 2Cor 1:20. God is NOT a man that He should lie. For whatsoever were written before were written for our learning that we through PATIENCE and COMFORT of the scriptures might have HOPE – Romans 15: 4.

And HOPE does not disappoint us, according to Romans 5:5. Five stands for GRACE – Hope provides a double grace. Grace is Gods riches at Christ expense. Finish works!

Let me give you three examples of how to pray the Word:

1. If you have a financial need pray like this: Lord I thank You that You always provide my needs, according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus, according to Phil 4:19. I now belief that I have received whatsoever I need. Thank You Dad!

2. If you are sick pray like this: Lord I am grateful that You have sent Your Word to heal me, according to Psalm 107: 20. I therefore, declare that I am the healed of the Lord. For You are the God Who heals me, according to Exodus 15:26

3. If you are in bondage or feel oppressed or depressed pray like this: Lord I thank You that DELIVERANCE is a benefit of my great salvation. You sent Your Word to deliver me, according to Psalm 107: 20.

I now declare and decree in the name of Jesus that I am set free right now. The blood of Jesus is upon me to protect me and it is against the devil and his foes.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Amen!

Don’t make prayer a complicated thing. Say to God what He has said to you. Keep it simple!

There is great power in simplicity. Expect results from this method…


It is written, Jesus turned water into wine

In this God revealed His Divine nature. God is a God of processes and a God of the supernatural.

The making of wine consists of many different processes. Good wine takes many years to produce.

However, in this account God overrides many processes.

He demonstrated His Supernatural powers. This is exactly how God works with His people.

Life consists of many processes to make us whole and complete people and to make us become what God intended us to BE.

For Being comes before Doing and Doing comes before Having.

However, God also want to do a supernatural work in our lives.

Humanly speaking, there comes a time in our lives that we get really tired of being processed, since processes comes with much suffering, pain, frustration and confusion with all its doubts, fears, anxieties and insecurities.

Peter them was fishing the whole night and caught nothing. How frustrating that was to them?

Jesus then showed up and told them to throw their net on the other side and they caught so much fish that they had to share with many other boats on the sea. That was the God of the supernatural.

Isn’t it about time for Jesus to show up and break your frustration, so that you can get a BREAKTHROUGH that will radically change the landscape of your life? It is time for a changed life!

Jesus asked the Father to show us His glory. He said, Father the glory You gave me I have given to them. Gods very best manifest when we begin to wrestle with God.

Jacob wrestled with God and he received Gods very best.

Don’t settle for anything less than God’s very best for YOU. I had a few supernatural life experiences in my life time.

This is when God begins to do what use to take years in months’ time – what used to take months begins to happen in weeks’ time – what used to take weeks begins to happen in a days’ time – what used to take days will happen in hours’ time, etc.

Where there is a DEMAND – there will also be a SUPPLY.

Make a demand for the supernatural. Give God no rest until He bless you big time, and expect Him to take you from glory to glory…


Not only so, but we also REJOICE in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character hope -And hope does not disappoint us – – Romans 5: 3-5

Consider it pure JOY, my brethren whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be complete, not lacking anything – James 1:2-4

The things we go through in life reveals much about ourselves. Many are the trouble of the righteous, but the Lord always delivers them from them all.

It reveals your level of faith. Are you confident that what you go through will soon pass? Are you confident that you are never alone? Are you confident that God is a good God and that good will come out of what you are going through? Are you confident that you have an ability in you to go successfully through what you need to go through, because God will not allow you to be tested above what you are able to bear?

What we go through in life provide opportunities for growth and development. If we value growth, development, change, and transformation we will begin to develop a positive attitude towards trouble and hardship knowing that trouble is a means towards greater things like:

1. Hope
2. Stronger faith
3. Perseverance
4. Character
5. Completeness
6. Suffering produces glory
7. Growth and development
8. Change and transformation
9. It will bring YOU to a wonderful place in life where you will lack nothing…

A positive attitude during trials and hardship empowers us to keep keeping on. Money can’t buy these things – trouble is the priceless price we pay. Paul said I rejoice in tribulation… James said I consider it pure joy… What do you say?


#Those who are LED by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God – Ro 8:14b

The term ‘sons of God’ is not a matter of gender. Its a person that had been thoroughly processed by God, to the point of MATURITY, through many painful situations, hardship, trials, tribulation, suffering, including times of confusion.

Jesus is our perfect example and the firstborn among many brethren- He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He said: I only do what My Father tells me to do and I only do what I see My Father is doing.

This is our growth and spiritual development benchmark. We should only do what our Father tells us to do and what we see Him doing. This requires sensitivity, alertness, and discernment. The Holy Spirit is the most important Person on earth and He ought to become the most important Person in our lives. He is the One Who makes Jesus, the Father and His Word comes alive.

Moreover, He executes God’s plans and purpose in the earth through the sons of God. He is more real than the breath we breathe. It is written: Creation or the earth is eagerly waiting for the sons of God to be revealed.

God has an assignment for the sons of God. Job said the earth is given into the hands of wicked people – Job 9: 24. The earth has therefore been defiled by its people – Isaiah 24:5.

The antidote for this is Isaiah 49:8b: God has given the ‘sons of God’ as a covenant to the people to restore the earth. In Psalms 2:8 God says, ask of Me the nations as your inheritance and the uttermost earth as your possession.

For this to happen we got to come under the Leadership, Guidance, and Direction of the Holy Spirit. He knows exactly how to Execute God’s plan and purpose in the earth and in the world.


But the more they were oppressed the more they multiply and spread, so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites and work them ruthlessly – Exodus 1: 12#

The Israelites were Gods natural people – we are Gods spiritual people. Egypt is what we call world in our age and Pharaoh was like the devil to Israel.

Israel had a seen devil and we have an unseen devil, yet the methods are the same. The devil’s attacks are heavy and fierce on those who have a big calling on their lives, he dreads them like Egypt dread Israel.

Today I see some of my friends, being greatly favored and blessed by God. However, these friends went through many, many difficult times, suffering, pain, confusion and many trials.

This is what it takes for God to capacitate His people for something great. We should never despise people that seems to go nowhere in our eyes, instead, we should pray for them.

The devil has limited manpower. He, therefore, do not waste his manpower on people who are not a threat to him. In fact, attacks from the enemy is a compliment.

It is written: Jesus learned obedience through suffering. Joseph said the Lord has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering…


#From the fruit of your lips a man enjoys good things – Prov 13:2#

#He who guards his lips guards his life – Proverbs 13: 3#

Again, I am saying we are our worse enemies. We continually say wrong and bad things about ourselves.

We speak down on ourselves – we criticize and find fault with ourselves. We then reap what we say, because death and life are in the power of our tongue.

It is written: Whoever of you loves life and desire to see many good days keep your TONGUE from evil and your lips from speaking lies – Psalm 34: 12-13. Evil and lies are anything that contradicts what God says in His Word.

Joyce Meyer said, many years ago she wrote out a long list of things she desired and confess them daily without having the knowledge of the power of confessions. Everything on that list came to pass and only then she heard about such teachings. I was so inspired!

Jesus said YOU shall have whatever you say. I have built my life on these words for many years and I have seen how my words became a reality.

Rich people call it the ‘leverage of words’. They speak into existence the things they want and desire. We, on the other hand, speak ourselves broke and poor. Things like: I am broke – I can’t afford it – I don’t know how I am going to make it through this month, etc.

Negative words come to pass much quicker than positive words, simply because we are mostly surrounded by negative energy rather than positive energy. You have to create your own positive environment with your thoughts, beliefs and positive words.


How well do you control your lips and tongue? Are you conscious of the words you speak? Do you think what you think?


We, therefore, conclude – to become a godly person we need to add certain qualities to our faith. Our faith is our sure foundation upon which we build certain qualities that will strengthen our faith.

We must add to our faith GOODNESS, to our goodness, we must add KNOWLEDGE. Today we will talk about:

4. Self-control
5. Perseverance
6. Godliness

SELF CONTROL is a fruit of the Spirit, which the Holy Spirit has imparted in us. However, this fruit must become an objective reality, whereby people can see this quality in you. We earn respect when people see how well we behave under pressure.

Faith + goodness + knowledge builds capacity in us to develop and add SELF CONTROL to our knowledge base. Knowledgeable people know how to behave in situations.

As I have previously said, it takes emotional strength and capacity to control yourself well under pressure. This means we must give less attention to negativity and fill our minds and hearts with positive things to accumulate positive energy. It takes positive energy to control yourself.

Faith + goodness + knowledge + self-control enable us to add PERSEVERANCE to self-control. Each building block builds capacity in us to add another building block.

You got to have the self-control to persevere. PERSEVERANCE is to continue steadfastly under difficult circumstances. To keep keeping on, no matter what. The ability to patiently stick to what is right. As it is written: Through faith and patience we will possess what God has promised us. If we endure we shall also reign with Jesus – 2Timothy 2:12

Life does not happen without hardship, pain, suffering, trials, and tribulation. Resistant training makes us strong and develop big muscles. So also do the above things makes us strong and help us grow spiritually. PERSEVERANCE enables us and gives us the capacity to handle any situation or circumstance successfully.

Faith + goodness + knowledge + self-control + PERSEVERANCE are the building blocks that produce a godly person. A GODLY person is one who represents God accurately. He or she becomes a role model to others of what God is all about. Paul said, copy me as I copy Christ.

In conclusion: Cleanliness is next to godliness. A godly person always keeps his heart and mind CLEAN…


We have been talking about the growth and development pathway to GODLINESS, according to 2Peter 1:5. I said James in article 4 – sorry!

My goal today is to elaborate on three of these qualities that we must ADD to our faith.

1. Faith
2. Goodness
3. Knowledge

This faith starts with your belief in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. It is the foundation on which we build and develop our spirituality. It is also the currency of the kingdom of God. You can possess and obtain what you need, want and desire by grace through faith, just like we use money currency in the world.

God has given a measure of faith to each believer. Doubtless to say that there comes a level of boldness and confidence with this measure of faith. To become strong and stable in our faith we must add GOODNESS to our faith.

Goodness is one of those qualities we experience very strongly at the beginning of our conversion. I remember how the poor kids by our assembly begin to touch my heart when I got saved. I was constraint to give away some of my clothes. This was God being good to these kids through me.

Once we experience the awesome sense of goodness for the first time we then ought to make it become a habit. Habits get build through repetition. Repetition is the mother of skill. Skill is the ability to do something well with great ease.

Another word for goodness is virtue; Virtue is a life of strong character and discipline. In other words, goodness/virtue produces character and discipline in us.

Faith plus goodness produces a desire in us to know more about the things of God. KNOWLEDGE is an understanding of what God thinks, feel and value. We talk about Bible knowledge here. The Bible reveals the heart and mind of God.

We do better when we know better. Applied knowledge is powerful – we release power when we do what we know. Power, on the other hand, makes things happened. Proverbs 19: 2 says, it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge. A man of knowledge increases strength – Prov 24:5. Hosea 6 says to us: People without knowledge perishes. The opposite also holds true: People with knowledge prosper.

We will continue tomorrow with the other three qualities:

4. Self-control
5. Perseverance
6. Godliness


I want to continue to build on the message of article 3. God the Father wants a godly offspring on earth and in the world. His heart longs for accurate representations.

A peculiar type of people that can reflect His image and likeness. LIFE was and is God’s plan. He is the Author of life. He ought to have the very last say about all things that pertain to life.

As believers, we must value growth and development, so that Christ can become more evident in us. Growth and development enhance change and transformation that speaks louder than words. Paul said, imitate God as dear children.

The Apostle James clearly laid out a growth plan and a sure pathway to godliness. Remember I previously said that the great mystery of godliness is God manifest in the flesh. God wants to manifest Himself through your flesh. There are people i have met that has greatly impacted my life because God manifested Himself through them.


1. Faith
2. Goodness
3. Knowledge
4. Self-control
5. Perseverance

Very interesting to note that GODLINESS is no6. The spiritual meaning of six is “man”. God wants to manifest Himself through a mere human being. He manifested Himself through Jesus Who became the Son of Man.

God my friend is in the people’s business. Some of us are naturally a people’s person. Some of us have to develop this quality. Life is meaningless without healthy positive relationships.

I will tomorrow elaborate on each of the above qualities that make up a godly person when we begin to ADD these qualities to our faith. Your FAITH will become a strong, stable, solid and productive.


We read in Acts 2:36 that there is a three-dimensional relational connection with Jesus. Here Luke said, this Jesus is both Lord and Christ.

1. Jesus 2. Christ 3. Lord

1. JESUS is the One Who became the Son of Man to make us become sons of God. A wonderful exchange has taken place. He took our unrighteousness upon Him and made us righteous – 2Cor 5:21.

To know Him only as Jesus is a one-sided relationship, which makes this connection an outer courts experience. The only difference between YOU and a sinner is Jesus. There are still many worldly things that influence your life. It takes a process to detach yourself from these worldly things. Sad to say that many believers live here.

2. To know Jesus as the CHRIST, we got to die to ‘self’ and all its old going nowhere tendencies and unproductive habits. The goal of the Father is to form Christ in you so that you can represent God more accurately in the world.

It takes time, trials, tribulation, hardship, wilderness experiences and challenging times, much pain and suffering to develop Christlikeness and to become a godly person.

The great mystery of GODLINESS is God manifest in the flesh. God wants to manifest Himself through your flesh so that you can say like Jesus. You have seen the Father if you have seen me. Paul said, it is no longer I who lives, but Christ Who lives in me.

In this developmental process, YOU become anointed and wiser because Christ is the wisdom and power (anointing) of God. This anointing will begin to remove burdens and destroy yokes in your life. This will enable you to minister effectively and to also remove burdens and destroy yokes in other people’s lives.

You will become sought after and you will begin to stand out among the crowd. This is what most people like – they want to shine, but don’t want to pay the price. Nonetheless, what kills the ego also builds our Christ-like character

3. To know Him as LORD is to let Him Lord over every area of our lives. We have now become the Lord’s property. In all your ways you now acknowledge Him and He, in turn, makes your path straight – Proverbs 3:6.

This is a dimension of true sonship. Those who are LED by the Spirit are the sons of God. You no longer have an agenda. You live by Gods agenda. The Holy Spirit is your Leader, Guide, and Director. It is for such people that creation is eagerly waiting to be revealed.

Our spiritual goal should be to get to know Him as Jesus, as Christ, and as Lord. This is the most exciting adventures journey!


Everything in our lives, on earth and in this world happens for a purpose – nothing just happened

The ability to process anything that happens to us is very critical to be able to make progressive progress in life. How are YOU doing with processing issues?

The issues we do not process eventually gets into our tissues. We then become unconscious, which means, we then don’t know that we don’t know.
That’s unconsciousness, which is the root cause of suffering. You are troubled about something, but you can’t put your finger on it.

Can YOU see why it is so important to process what’s happening to us? We cannot erase what we don’t want to face, and we can’t heal what we don’t want to feel.

Every situation or circumstance consists of positivity and negativity. Negativity shouts and screams at us to get our attention. Anything positive in the situation or circumstance are normally hidden.

It takes a negative and a positive to switch on a light. You have to shift your focus from negativity to search out anything positive in your situation or circumstance.

Give your soul no rest, until you find something positive in your situation. Its very possible not to become negative, even though you are in a negative situation.

When that happens, a light will switch on, once you spot something positive, which is called enlightenment or consciousness.

The eyes of your understanding get enlightened and YOU become well able to see things the way God sees it. That my friend is a moment of EMPOWERMENT.

The moment of empowerment imparts power in YOU to walk and work successfully through your situation or circumstance.

Remember my favorite saying: POWER makes things happened. It shifts you to another level or dimension where your issues are nonexistent. The issue that has controlled you emotionally is now under your control. It’s called personal power.

That’s how you regain your power to rule and reign in life through one Man Jesus Christ. Get this pattern under your belt and you will begin to enjoy challenges more and more.

As it is written: We enter the kingdom of God through much trouble – Acts 14:22b. Trouble then becomes a vehicle to transport us to our next level or dimension.


But this one/1 thing I do: Forgetting what is behind me and straining towards what’s ahead – Philippians 3:13b

Letting go and let God is easy said than done. Many of us struggle to process sad, bad, negative, horrible and terrible things that have happened to us.

The year 2018 has come and gone, yet its happenings can stay with us for a long time, which causes us to get stuck in life.

LIFE is dynamic, not static > it’s forever changing. The only permanent things in life are called CHANGE. It’s important to forget those things that are behind YOU, even though it’s hard and challenging…

The year 2019 has its own challenges – it is very unwise to add 2018 unresolved matters to new challenges. We have the tendency to become our own worse enemies.

To STRAIN means to put forth energy, effort, and strength. This one thing you must do: You got to find a way to get over 2018 issues and people who have hurt, rejected, disappointed, betrayed and YOU.

God has wonderful things in store for you in 2019, however, old unresolved matters can sabotage your ability to possess what is rightfully yours in 2019.

Hey, 2019 is a blank cheque. What YOU think, say, belief and do are the things you write on your cheque.

We are all 100% responsible for our lives, accept the things we have absolutely NO control over! Blame and accuse no one > this is your life!